Would Attract Fanboys, But Still...


Still Fresh
Jun 23, 2006
Halo Zero is a fanmade game, a 2D, low-spec version of the famous Xbox game, Halo. Its not a commercial project and I am sure if the designer was E-mailed and told of your intentions, he would give the source code gladly. It may have already been done. Anyway, I am sure the GP2X could handle it, and I know some of you wouldn't mind having Halo in your pocket.


It would have to be dumbed down a bit, after reading up on it, and playing it.
Website said:
Required configuration:

>> A 1ghz Processor
>> 256mb of RAM
>> 22mb free disk space
>> A mouse
>> A high speed internet connection

A GeForce is recommended to play!

ANd I think this has been discussed somewhere before. o.o
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just slightly over the 2X's maximum performance ;) but it would've been fun to play for sure.
maybe some skilled rom hacker could grab a copy of an old genesis action platformer and create
a halo mod for it, tho that wouldn't be a GP2X exclusive then :P


Because of the discussion about the stickys, I'd just read this: http://www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?showtopic=23261 (see top of Cool Ideas forum)

Edit: Forgot to add:
Although a port may not be possible (sounds like the game is a real system hog), it looks like something that could easily be remade (perhaps the original devs would supply the sprites).
Doesn't look much more intensive than any of the emu'd NES games... wonder what the 1GHz is used for?

Further Edit: This reminds me of Half-Life 2D (Codename: Gordon) - perhaps another game that could be remade ;)
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