Halo 2 Pal Leaked.


Tales From The Big Room
Jan 1, 2004
Essex, England
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It seems like Halo 2's already been leaked.

Apparently, the leaked version has french voice acting with english subtitles.

No, I won't tell you where to get it. I'm pretty sure you can find out for yourself. Though to be honest, it's a shame. Makes me glad I don't own a chipped Xbox either... I'd be veeeery tempted to play if I actually could... :blink:
i hava a chipped xbox, but a $100,000 fine, 5gb download (or however big the game is) and the fact that I dont own PAL makes it not worth it. Its coming out in a few weeks anyway
Dont own a Xbox..

Yea, It would spoil the game playing it all in French :P

The people I know that have this version says its good, but the french Audio makes it crap
finty101 posted on Oct 14 2004 at 08:23 PM said:
Some bastard should leak GTA:SA.

nnnaaaahhh... I would rather wait and Buy the Original :P... I like having the Map etc... I would hate GTA:SA to be leaked :P, Im not bothered about Halo 2 or any other games hehe...
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Yeah, I noticed it was up. It's only a lil bit bigger than the origional halo, just over 2 gigs. I'm not going to d/l. I'll wait till the official launch and get it then. I'm enjoying other xbox games too much to give it much attention anyway ;) (outrun rules).
finty101 posted on Oct 14 2004 at 09:26 PM said:
Your just doing it to annoy me, arn't you, you alread have it, don't you. You Bastard!


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diablo2 posted on Oct 15 2004 at 11:22 AM said:
he wants to know what halo 2 is like

ah, I dont have Halo 2.. apparently from what Ive been told its Good, But this leaked version is crap cos of teh french audio
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Well, i've seen a couple of AVI's of Halo 2's attract sequence, so for those that are hungry for info, i'll post here what I posted on the NTSC-UK forums. :)

<Begin Spoiler>

From what I last knew, Bungie had denied the ability to dual wield any weapon in the game, with any other weapon, claiming that you could only dual wield SMG's, etc. This appears to be a lie. In one point in the sequence, Master Chief is seen wielding an SMG in his right hand, and supporting a rocket launcher on his left shoulder.

On another part, showing a demo of Xbox Live play, MC is wielding a Plasma Pistol in left hand, and an SMG in his right.

Cortana has long hair, and is looking like a beauty.

I'm not sure about this, I could be completely wrong... But did I just see Master Chief putting his helmet on? Could we possibly see the face of MC?

In motion, it looks like Doom 3 quality to me, but you probably already knew this. Fucking WOW!

<End Spoiler>