Half-Life 2D

Weeeeellll, you *could* use GeePee32; it does support a lot of stuff. but its also slow as hell compared to the real thing, and lacking in sound. So if you're intending on including sound, it might be best to get the hardware.
No, you can't. In GeePee32: Only basic stuff like smc, cpu, gfx is emulated (no sound, dma, timers, ...).
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If youre searching the devkit...then we win, no? A new game for gp32?

YEAH, X-Tender, Really thanks! And get a gp32 soon!
You could code it and test it on GeePee32 and have open beta tests (or assign dedicated testers) to determine its compatibility on a real GP32. The main difference between the emulator and a real GP32 is that the emulator is slower, so take whatever FPS you get and multiply it by about 1.5x at least. I haven't heard of programs that will run on the emulator but not a GP32.

Since you seem to have original art, you could enter this into one of the many GP32 contests, and get some capital that way to get a GP32 for yourself :) In fact, this game looks so cool, you may want to consider setting up a PayPal donation system and giving us the link. I have a good feeling that you'll get at least half the cost of a regular, non-FLU GP32.
You could code it and test it on GeePee32 and have open beta tests (or assign dedicated testers) to determine its compatibility on a real GP32. The main difference between the emulator and a real GP32 is that the emulator is slower, so take whatever FPS you get and multiply it by about 1.5x at least. I haven't heard of programs that will run on the emulator but not a GP32.
NO NO NO NO NO!! Have you ever tried running anything decent on GeePee32!?! Next to nothing games wise will, due to the unfinishedness of it.

(BTW, is unfinishedness a word?)
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Geepee32 emu isnt bad to dev on its ok :P

but there are drawbacks the sounds speed etc.

it all depends but u can dev on that then send the fxe to some1 with a gp32 if u like to test it.

The best person to send it to would be either me or flack but you should send a demo to flack as he already had video setup to take a video of the game running on a gp32.

Good way to let users see how good it looks like :)

but if u need help im sure there are programmers on the board willing to help

I voted a while ago and it's kinda of funny to look at the board now - it shows how passionate GP32 users are. The GP32 has become really more of a hobby than just a portable device.

When I looked at the game screenshots, I thought "wow, this has the same feel of Metal Slug". I am absolutely sure that if the gameplay matches the graphics a GP32 port would sell A LOT on joyGP.
I am absolutely sure that if the gameplay matches the graphics a GP32 port would sell A LOT on joyGP.
As a fan-project, I don't think this can be sold for profit...though I wouldn't mind sending a charitable contribution or two if this is remade for GP32.
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I believe if Tender can port it, Everyone and their brother would buy it (donate, so not to get sued).

-Matt (Metal Slug 2d oh yea)
...show some patience. PC version isn't even complete and an entire new engine would need to be coded on any other platform unless it can execute flash.