Taking the silly idea closer to sillyness fruition..
A simple command line tool that does..
i) shows in-tro (fade to black and then to image 1)
ii) while in image i, if >1 image in set, allow paging back and forth using pretty much any button
... or a certain touchscfreen area with checkbox, a key or touch would disable that help popup forever, so that after seeing once or twice, you can ditch it
... touch anywhere else, or spacebar, or escape, or .. which? to move on, to change pages
iii) out-ro.. fade to black (say) to be clean
- a certain area of screen shoudl be reserved for guide instructions and checkbox; ie: the guide itself may want to say "left/right for pages", but that could be baked into the image itself by the image-maker.. but I suppose a checkbox could be too. But for look and feel
consistency shoudl just assume a certain area will be overwritten by the tool
- disabling the guide help for that app would be a flag-file dropped into appdata, probably; thus user could find and remove it later easily, and its filed with the app.. nice and easy.
Presumably guide-help would just be a pnd-file installer that woudl unpack to one of the SDs (or NAND if user wanted), so that they'd load fast and be found fast; when you're mounting and running a pnd, loading another pnd to pull an image woudl just slow the experience down and suck a little
The pnd_run.sh pre- run code woudl need a slight change, since this would be a global pre-run .. pnd_run.sh right now only has a per-app pre- and post- runscript out of band option. Easy enough to mod the script to support it.
So, to faciliate this change we'd need..
1) modify pnd_run.sh (trivial, take about 20 minutes including testing
2) built the image-shower with easy quit/paging, possibly in-tro and out-tro (couple hours, say)
3) insatller script for the pnd (half an hour)
4) someone to be the official keeper of images and pnd-builder .. the 'release guy', who builds the pnd (easy) and posts it to repo
5) ,,,, so we need style guide; artwork, fonts, guidelilnes drafted
6) everyone and their brother hacking up some images for all the popular apps, or all the apps ever
Really, I could build the 1-3 stuff (or anyone else could) (hell, pickle launcher could do it I bet, too, for that matter, and I already wrote a thing for my gargoyle port)
So ..
If people like this silly ass idea, then we need someone to stand up and say "all r images belong to me!", and we need eveyrone to agree to artwork and style and colour and font standards, and go to making images.
Who wants to design the style guide and bug peopel to make i,mages (byu far the hardest job, is organing and actually getting peoepl to produce; people will say they will produce, but getting it to happen is hard
If someone gets a stack of images (step 5-6) I will faciliate all the rest to get it going, then someone else could upload it and keep it going/growing.
Or we could abort