Gp2x Introduction Video

ingrin posted on Feb 13 2006 at 10:52 PM said:
I find it a bit ironic that my laptop couldn't play the file, I had to watch it on the GP2x, which was sort of odd. Still looked great though...
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Thanks to everyone contributed to this video with their excellent efforts such as Franxis for MAMEGP2X, Paradox for AURORA SKIN, Pepone for GNGEO2X, Wachoswki Brothers for MATRIX, Lucasarts for STAR WARS Series... :P

Can anyone upload this to file archive? I tried but failed a few times.
HAHAHA the video is pathetic
you had to cut the loading screens part, lmao
the battery cover was hell hard, so you just forced it and ended up cutting it out of the video too hahah (plus I bet you didn't play anything with only that cheap battery)
you showed a widescreen movie(only .AVI) which was really small on the screen itself
then, you tried to play a game on the tv that was VERY choppy and was FLICKERING like mad! HAHA!

the best thing you did for trying to make the gp2x look less horrible was actually having the idea to cutting the loading times, so it looked normal, what a pathetic attempt at trying to prove yourself your gp2x was worth the money... hahaha
.Gogeta§§J4BR. posted on Mar 21 2006 at 04:31 PM said:
iignotus posted on Mar 21 2006 at 07:26 PM said:
nickspoon posted on Mar 21 2006 at 04:14 PM said:
Please go and die, for the sake of mankind.
It's actually funny how people get mad at me when I speak the truth :o
So that's what you call it.
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.Gogeta§§J4BR. posted on Mar 21 2006 at 09:31 PM said:
iignotus posted on Mar 21 2006 at 07:26 PM said:
nickspoon posted on Mar 21 2006 at 04:14 PM said:
Please go and die, for the sake of mankind.
It's actually funny how people get mad at me when I speak the truth B)
When you have spent a large amount of time on a very professional-looking video advertising the GP2X, you can speak "the truth". Until then, my original request stands.
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nickspoon posted on Mar 21 2006 at 04:40 PM said:
When you have spent a large amount of time on a very professional-looking video advertising the GP2X, you can speak "the truth". Until then, my original request stands.
and that some of the thigns he pointed could have been because of the poor video camera (if it was, flickering?) or due to the fact he was trying to play and film at the same time (battery cover maybe), I'd like to see someone try playing anything while trying to film it and now have any dificulty
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.Gogeta§§J4BR. why don't you try to make something more usefull?

We didn't only cut loading times we also cut the games and movies and all other stuff... This is because we want a smaller video.

You can use cramfs to boot Linux in 4 seconds... And it's total 12 seconds boot times.

TV screen was not flickering actually.. That's because we try to grab the picture from TV with a digital camera.

Anyone who has GP2X and Methane Brothers game knows that this game running smooth and all other games we have shown there as well.

Is battery cover hell hard?? I think this is the most funny words that i have seen in this forum.

We have chosen the worst movie to show. Because it was 16:9 format. Also the resolution was 320 x 240. If you have a GP2X try to play 704 x 576 resolution movie. It will be as smooth as the smaller videos.

I think GP2X is not for you. Please give it to anyone else if you have already one and buy a Nintendo DS.

video looks fine to me, well done. one thing i would suggest is some text overlay to show what is being played i.e. Snes, NeoGeo, MAME etc and maybe some kind of transition when the video cuts as they spoil the overall quality.

about the battery comparment part of the video, i have to admit that bit did look a bit dodgy but I think this was the way the video was filmed and then cut which made it look strange, I havent had a problem with the battery cover. i would suggest doing a retake on that as it looked like an old black and white film where it skips frames, people in UK think of Harry Enfield in the Mr Chomondley-Warner sketches :)

to .Gogeta§§J4BR., told you many times to hold your tongue as your rants always get you in trouble. if you dont like the gp2x why are you still here?
Guyfawkes posted on Mar 22 2006 at 02:34 PM said:
to .Gogeta§§J4BR., told you many times to hold your tongue as your rants always get you in trouble. if you dont like the gp2x why are you still here?

maby he is waiting for the GP2X to improve.

Im with .Gogeta§§J4BR on this one, the video makes the GP2X seem alot better then it really is, Yes the production on the video is half decent , but that doesnt mean the content is any good.
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Actually we haven't included anything to make the GP2X look better. If you can't do the things we did in the video with your GP2X than you have a problem with your device. Either it's broken or you don't know how to use it. GP2X is a device more than you think about.

- Thanks God I didn't include a part in the video that GP2X runs Samba as a domain server. :D

It's a computer with Dual Core CPU and 128 MB of RAM. Plus a Linux Operating System! You can do what you want to do. It depends on you to use it or not. ;)
