klikklak said:
All I can say about that, is that I saw one korean action flick with young people using PSP's all the time for internet access. So maybe it's popular over there. Well, that's a big maybe. Another thing is the fast internet they have. They do pirate, even over there. So maybe there's need for emulation from their market as well.
I'm not sure I understand your point with this bit...
1) The Wiz has no wifi capabilities
2) The Wiz is focused on Homebrew, not emulation based on the control scheme...
I personally think the Wiz is fine for what it is, just not what I'm looking for personally since it lacks Wifi and (maybe) the muscle to play some more recent ported games.
EDIT: censorship and added stuff
Um, yeah, my point was just describing cultural currents in korea, trying to explain their choices based on my little information. I didn't mean the 'using psp for internet access' (how idiotic would that be?) as a literal thing happening over there, it was, after all just a movie and quite obvious product placement. But a handheld console was visible, so maybe they are popular.
I was actually hoping on someone with more experience with koreans could tell some nice stories.
If emulation demands are raised both in europe and korea it might have more effect on them than just people from remote places doing it. But yeah, homebrew, it's made for it. Hmm, actually one more interesting tidbit was on a blog post some time ago. It basically stated that for free games, with purchasable items/customizations were big over there. So maybe the idea of paying for games is less important.