Gph: The Wiz - Official Announcement


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
GPH just officially announced their new handheld - The Wiz!


Click here for a brochure with a lot of infos.

The most interesting thing is the Flash Player (Flash 7.0 compatible) and the planned release of commercial games.
It has a LiIon battery built-in - and finally a place for the stylus! And a nice OLED display.
If everything works as planned, it will be shipped in mid October.


Click here for a bigger view


Click here for a bigger view

More infos can be found on the official homepage (only korean for now)
Blimey! We have had the wii, now the wiz. (from where I am from, to wiz means to urinate.)

I think the Pandora should be renamed 'The Piss'. It would sell.
lubidog said:
Blimey! We have had the wii, now the wiz. (from where I am from, to wiz means to urinate.)

I think the Pandora should be renamed 'The Piss'. It would sell.
Where I come from its the street name for anthetamine sulphate too. :lol:

:( Not too excited about this really. Its just GP2X with added 3D support from what I can see.
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Im actually quite happy about this, yes the design isnt the greatest but 3d is now added did someone say, looks to be a tight little console, and may interest a load more folks to the gp2x community
And...they show lots of screenshots from homebrew GP2x stuff and claims it to bee "Free games" for the Wiz. Deid they ask anybodys permission this time Do these games even run on this new hardware???

Cool, 3D support! The design is just okish.

I hope commercials games will be released.

Moxie: I know surely they asked to have permission for one game in the list, the author is in contact with GPH.
Uhm... hmmm... That is not what I wanted to see in the successor to the GP2X. Oh well. I could spend a few paragraphs nitpicking, but I'm sure someone else is already working that one up. I do want to point out on nice feature I noticed, one glaring problem, and one disappointment.

The "hold" feature right on the power button is pretty nice, I might consider getting one of these to put in my car as a replacement for my crappy mp3 player as long as the price is cheap enough. I do spend quite a bit of time in my car, so it is (sadly) worth it to me to dedicate a device of this calibur to that purpose.

The glaring problem I see is the unfortunate placement of the headphone jack on the bottom face of the device, which once again interferes with pocketability, just like the poor GP2X. I've seen the headphone jack in lots of places on the Pandora renders, and the recent photos are too dark to really get a good idea of what anything is, so this may be an issue there too.

I am really disappointed that it doesn't have a proper USB host port, GPH keeps skipping that feature for some reason! If I could hook up a nice big HD full of music to it in my car it would be a good deal for me at just about any reasonable price point.
Moxie said:
And...they show lots of screenshots from homebrew GP2x stuff and claims it to bee "Free games" for the Wiz. Deid they ask anybodys permission this time Do these games even run on this new hardware???

Yes, and these people I think are actually getting something in return too.
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Cool, I quite like the look of it. Suppose it's a similar style to a gameboy micro only bigger and i love my micro. Any idea how much it's gonna cost? How will it compare to the Pandora? Wish I'd of known about this before i bought a gp2x the other day. Anyhow probably get one of these aswell till i get a pandora... :)
Any news regarding backward compatibility with the GP2X/GP32/PSX/Atari 2600?

I believe it is not, but I just asked so we can put questions like "Can I use the downloads in the archive with this?" for rest.
will be interesting to see if this affects pandora sales as will probably be cheaper and could probably do PSX emulation also. Personally il be sticking with the pandora for the keyboard for amiga emulation :D
While I'll be selling this and all I cannot believe they are going with 2 Dpads and no buttons, so any game which requires 2 or 3 buttons pressed at once can't be played unless you weirdly map them to the shoulder buttons? Whhyyyy?

Any game which has a run button is in trouble. Actually the design reminds me of the angry video game nerd review of that batman game using the Mortal Kombat engine, where they use the Dpad instead of the buttons for most of the controls, see how frustrating it is in that review: 5:30ish in.

They really really have to reconsider this design as the first edition or they will just end up changing it anyway in an MK2. I really hope they are not trying to save moulding costs by using that dpad twice.

Anyway, preorders in a month according to GPH, I'm trying to establish if drivers for the 3D chip exist for linux, as they don't seem to be using it in any of their demos.
Prices depend on where you buy it, should be around the same as the old F200 has been.

It's not directly compatible with gp2x games since they are statically linked.
It should be compatible with dynamically-linked gp2x binaries - and for the rest a simple recompile should be enough.

ME is currently working on the 3D drivers for Linux for this device.
I find it interesting how Space Varments 2 is announced for the system.
Any info on pricing? If the Wiz is cheap, I think it could be a great little handheld.
It's a bit more (about £10) more than the GP2X was, so I think we are looking at £135ish.

Now, to see if we can get some videos to show off the system :)
- Good: double CPU speed, maybe 3D, internal clock.
- Bad: no network, no USB host, battery (they say a lifetime of 5 hours... the same that their claims for the Gp2x!)
- No opinion: double pad.
- It needs: minilib!