Gph: The Wiz - Official Announcement

SunSpire said:
And built-in battery? So next time when I travel abroad and take this thing with me, after 5 hours (if that's even true, it might only last that long in idle status) I'll be carrying a brick with me cos I can't replace the power source anywhere on-the-fly.
Looks to me like carrying spare batteries won't be difficult at all:
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Orkie said:
The memory is divided 48/16, the upper 16MB being used for YUV/3D/RGB/sound buffers (though you could probably use a lot of that for whatever you want if you aren't using 3D and YUV for example). It has to be this way because the video hardware can't access memory that is being controlled by Linux.
thanks for the info. 48/16 is still better than 32/32
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So is the port on the bottom (Dont know the exact name) of the system going to do the same things as on the gp2x? Like tv out and attachments to a cradle?

-Spadoof :gp2x
First response: purrty!

I'm actually tempted by this, OLED in particular sounds nice (haven't seen one ever, so I'm curious and a sucker for display tech). I've mostly given up on the idea of getting a pand since I bought a EEE (better for school and for sale already) and was toying with the idea of going n-gage/s60 for games, but this'll probably be a lot better than that solution.

Anyway, I suppose I'll wait for the reviews to see what it's like, but .. damn, if it's even near gp32's playability (I really, really miss playing pcengine shooters on that thing) I'll get one, even if it's $=€ conversion over here.
hmmm......guess I must've been sleeping or watching family guy to have posted this late!

My opinion, this MIGHT be a good system, if we can work around the memory limitation, and if the build quality is actually better than what GPH has cranked out in the past.

When my gp2x dies, which could be within the next 6 months, or whenever I decide to *accidentally* drop it, maybe I'll pick this up.

Although.....I'm really leaning towards Pandora as my next gen handheld. I hate to say it, but my gp2x really accomplishes alot, and I am very happy with it. All of its homebrew stuff, and emulators have progressed to the "near Perfect" point. All the games from my childhood are playable on the gp2x, as well as plenty of new stuff.

I know that everybody else says the same exact thing I am about to say. For me, the only thing that would sway me would be a working N64 emulator, that I can carry in my pocket. Other than that, the gp2x already fufills all of my wishes, and then some.

To be perfectly honest, I can only spend so much energy, money, and time at playing games on the go. There's other things in life, besides games....

Spadoof said:
So is the port on the bottom (Dont know the exact name) of the system going to do the same things as on the gp2x? Like tv out and attachments to a cradle?

-Spadoof :gp2x
I am looking for this answer as well. What does the port on the bottom do?

- TV Out?
- USB anything for a USB controller?
- HD ect...?
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While I'm still not sold on the dual-directional pads, I have to give credit where credit is due. For once, GPH is attempting to do something bold and different with the Wiz (mad props, as far as that is concerned). How many of us were taken aback by the Wii's unique nun chuck control scheme, and before that the Nintendo DS? I believe the developers are taking cues from these examples and are taking a chance to make the Wiz a unique experience that cannot be had anywhere else.

They also seem to be working closer with well-known names in the homebrew community, and are actually taking their suggestions for once. All during the years of the GP2X's life, they all but listened to our suggestions, and what we as a community, as fans, really wanted out of the 2X. What we have now is a company that has learned from these errors, realized the value of our input, and is doing all they can to ensure the same mistakes aren't made twice.

GPH also seems to really be pushing and encouraging the creation of original content this time around. Perhaps they're trying to get serious about playing in the big leagues with larger manufacturers? The programmers they've been in contact with would better be able to tell. But as an observer, it looks like they're definitely taking steps in this direction, if the hardware improvements, unique control scheme and monthly commercial game releases are any indication.

If any devs out there reads this, it is my hope that some developers will really take advantage of the dual-d-pad setup and the newly added 3D processor, and create some truly ground-breaking content to help put GPH on the map. The tools have been provided. All we have to do is use them.
Fueler said:
Spadoof said:
So is the port on the bottom (Dont know the exact name) of the system going to do the same things as on the gp2x? Like tv out and attachments to a cradle?

-Spadoof :gp2x
I am looking for this answer as well. What does the port on the bottom do?

- TV Out?
- USB anything for a USB controller?
- HD ect...?

Reading Puck postings on gp32spain it appears that the port is able to support USB hosting but no TV-Out: probably a new cradle will be needed in order to have TV-Out.
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Is nand is accessiable through regular USB connection?
Is in-build games replaceable?
Interesting system, but I'm converted to the Pandora now.

Still good too see that GPH are still in business with a new system though, it looks like it will do well, although having 2 dpads does seem a bit strange, given that GPH must surely know most people will use it for emulation anyway.
The GP3X Wiz looks and sounds awesome with a 3D accelerator chip and over 500MHz of processing power. If I didn't have such a guilty conscience and money to burn then I'll snap one up in a heartbeat.

I'm one that likes to make use of the old computer systems I have and use it until it breaks, even then I still manage to repair them to get more out them. :D

I still use my Sega Megadrive, 386SX-25MHz (8MB RAM and a huge 1.7GB HDD) PC and my GP2X-F200. I need to find a little time to get the ZX Spectrum+ on the go too as it's currently boxed up in the attic.

I am one that cannot let go of these systems unless I know it is going to a good home (Mostly to my friends or family) and that they'll make full use of it. I don't think I'm a horder as I always put myself off in buying new systems and always remind myself that I would like to have one but I don't really need it... :unsure:
White Demon said:
Interesting system, but I'm converted to the Pandora now.

Still good too see that GPH are still in business with a new system though, it looks like it will do well, although having 2 dpads does seem a bit strange, given that GPH must surely know most people will use it for emulation anyway.
Indeed people will use it for emulation but GPH are targetting it much more at games. However, I do not understand their motivation for dual D-pads either really.
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Peter R said:
I do not understand their motivation for dual D-pads either really.
Second dpad is perfect to camera control in fps/tps
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I have to say this looks pretty sweet to me. I know that I'll never get the cash to buy a Pandora... I was lucky to get my F-100 FE back in the day. I admit it looks small but I don't like the Pandora clamshell design - the Wiz looks clean and uncluttered and, if it does everything the F-200 can do with the addition of a clock then I'm all for it. Now, all I need to do is find a way to get some money...
pepone said:
if the sd card speed issue are removed, then streaming from the sdcard shouldn't be penalizing.
This is mostly solved on GP2X too.

Orkie said:
The memory is divided 48/16, the upper 16MB being used for YUV/3D/RGB/sound buffers (though you could probably use a lot of that for whatever you want if you aren't using 3D and YUV for example). It has to be this way because the video hardware can't access memory that is being controlled by Linux.
Interesting. Is/will there be SOC documentation available? Which kernel version is the device running?
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the height is a bit worrying. This things _tiny_, only 6.1cm tall! I couldn't believe the number so I had to measure my gp2x just to see that it's 8.5cm or so. The images show quite a bit of bezel though, hopefully the screen will fill a lot of it anyway. Can anyone do a size comparison model? There was a site for those, but I can't remember what it was called. I also like the fact that it's half the depth of gp2x, much more pocketable.
notaz said:
Interesting. Is/will there be SOC documentation available? Which kernel version is the device running?
It is running 2.6.20 at the moment. There is documentation around for the SoC, I assume that will get leaked at some point though not by me (don't want to risk getting into trouble over it) :P.

klikklak said:
Can anyone do a size comparison model? There was a site for those, but I can't remember what it was called.
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