Gph Quake

First of all thanks to Pickle and Rikku2000 for this port. It's phantastic and the best I've seen on any handheld! Awesome!

I have a problem with the modlist though. I can't move down to actually choose other mods (the armagon and diss paks are in the right folders). And if I want to add more mods do I have to change the mods.cfg file?
Yes, you have to edit the mods.cfg file.

I actually had the exact same problem with selecting the mods, it seems like you can select the first mod of the list though, I tried putting Quake Rally on there and it actually sort of worked, although after that the backpedal key just wouldn't work, but I did get it to work again by accident, when I changed the graphics settings... wierd stuff :S .
I do hope that this eventually gets an update, too, it seems like there's still a lot of work left, even though the game is almost perfectly playable, it would be nice to fix the water slowdown and the wierd bug when the particles are rendered as black triangles for whatever reason.

Still, awesome stuff, Caanoo needs more first person shooters!
i know this its problem of nanogl but its very much work to change it to opengles but i will try my best, please dont give up...
Rikku2000 said:
i know this its problem of nanogl but its very much work to change it to opengles but i will try my best, please dont give up...

thats doesnt seem right, it was always possible to get it the normal data to run. I can recall crashes with particles...
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I'm confused. Does this mean that if we disable particles v9 won't crash?

Rikku2000 said:
the option to set it off is in quake i add this option

show_particles 1/0
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Rikku2000 said:
No it crash but it have something todo with this particles

I dont know that i agree with this, it worked before and it worked with the quake port i released. Some times the particles would freeze, but that was typically in the demo.
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Nice. I just deleted the Pak2.pak file from the id1 folder and it works now... kinda. The mod menu and costum options instantly send you back to the caanoo's menu, and it seems like only the first level of the game works.

A bit of a shame, it seemed like it'll be possible to get quake rally and some other cool stuff to work on the caanoo quite easily now.

also, actual analog controls would be nice...
Pickle i will configure out whats happend with this problems of partickle becouse if i set off it work a bit better i thing the particle will not compleat off maybe only the drawn is off but the math algorhytmos is on... what ever my english sucks..