Gph/digisys Gpl Compliance W/ 1.3.0 Firmware

If you need somthing clarifying, I could use baby speak if you really find a need. :) Please point out where I say somthing unreleated.
Will you stop acting like it's some big fucking conspiracy?!

They have not released a <b>complete</b> source yet, so one would assume that this is what they are currently intending to do. As for the patch system, just because they're putting together the kernel doesn't mean they actually have a clue. ;)


Do you REALLY belive the reason for the unreleased source is becuase of bandwidth problems?
Please do use babyspeak if you find it easier, but could you enlighten me how you manage to come to the conclusion that Muncher666
REALLY belive the reason for the unreleased source is becuase of bandwidth problems
from his post, that makes no reference to it whatsoever. I don't recall Muncher666 having ever expressed that view. If he has posted that view somewhere, why are you replying to it here and quoting this unrelated post ?
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Will you stop acting like it's some big fucking conspiracy?!

They have not released a <b>complete</b> source yet, so one would assume that this is what they are currently intending to do. As for the patch system, just because they're putting together the kernel doesn't mean they actually have a clue. ;)


Do you REALLY belive the reason for the unreleased source is becuase of bandwidth problems?

No, I primarily think that their reason for not releasing it yet is out and out laziness. I'm just getting tired of the conspiracy theories (like Craig, ED and DJWillis are in on 'it', for instance) being flung about. Dignsys are the people who are at fault here (and GPH for not being more forthcoming about the situation, I guess), no-one else.

As for WEJ's offer of a pint.. we can use my homebrew!

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No, I primarily think that their reason for not releasing it yet is out and out laziness. I'm just getting tired of the conspiracy theories (like Craig, ED and DJWillis are in on 'it', for instance) being flung about. Dignsys are the people who are at fault here (and GPH for not being more forthcoming about the situation, I guess), no-one else.

As for WEJ's offer of a pint.. we can use my homebrew!

You are the one using the term "conspiracy" (up until this post, you are the only person in the thread who has used the term) and I don't even know why you are talking about this in these terms. To everyone who understands the GPL, this situation is obvious and amazingly simple. Please try not to complicate it by ranting and raving about conspiracies and the like.
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from his post, that makes no reference to it whatsoever. I don't recall Muncher666 having ever expressed that view. If he has posted that view somewhere, why are you replying to it here and quoting this unrelated post ?

look back through the thread, as far as my understanding went, SatanClaus made a "post about the source" not being release becuase of bandwith problems. I made a post back saying "that this is clearly noncence", muncher666 post says "he doesn't belive anythings amiss", I say "but look at the big fat lies".

For completeness sake I pehaps should have included in my original post - Satanclaus post - my reply to satanclaus post - muncher666 comment on my reply to satanclaus post - finally my post commenting on muncher666 post commenting on my post.

To be fair it was a question directed at him/her not at the thread you missed the "Do" and the "?" off the end, although I assuming this wasn't ment to be deliberatly misleading.

like so:
Do you REALLY belive the reason for the unreleased source is becuase of bandwidth problems?

I as a general rule only post the last quote otherwise I'm posting the whole forum. I also cut out posts within posts, and just reply to the whole thing. Its just my style and perhaps not a good one. I used to do quotes within quotes but it just looked like a page of my post. I think it makes more sence if you are following a thread rather than reading the last few posts.

I normally post then check my post quickly, and edit them afterwards. If someone has replied before I edit. I generally don't becuase I got accused of backtracking once. I've noticed that some put reasons for their edits, and I think its a better way. I've thought of just putting something in my sig but thats a tad silly.
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You are the one using the term "conspiracy" (up until this post, you are the only person in the thread who has used the term) and I don't even know why you are talking about this in these terms.

To be fair the whole conspiracy thing does have a fair degree of levity.

The intesity before the release got quite livley.

Now if I am up to date on this, and there is no saying I am. Craig is on his sixth regeneration after his ship crash landed in North Korea by mistake. He was only saved from certain death at the last minute by DJ Willis prying him out of Kim Jong Il's vice like strangle armed only with one of DaveC's joystick Mods, with the pair of them escaping with seconds on the clock by Evil Dragon uploading them to the archive where they now exist only as constantly oscilatting cycles of their own matrices ( a bit like Scotty in that episode of Star Trek). Meanwhile Trooper and Rico have silently set up a splinter forum running from out of Cyclop's sock drawer that concerns itself soley with HP7 batteries and their connectors in old Ever Ready Torches.

Do try and keep up.
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You are the one using the term "conspiracy" (up until this post, you are the only person in the thread who has used the term) and I don't even know why you are talking about this in these terms. To everyone who understands the GPL, this situation is obvious and amazingly simple. Please try not to complicate it by ranting and raving about conspiracies and the like.

Admittedly, the word was not used per se - this was squarely pointed at Cyclops implying that almost everything that is being said in an official capacity, including comments from distributors and the like, were lies. This went on and on, including him going on about the term they were using for GPL was a hate term. I understand the situation - GPH sent Dignsys to make them firmware based on Linux, which is under GPL. They have not released the source yet, er-go they are breaking the law. I just don't understand why people have to violently debate this till zero hour (assuming they actually do release it this week) and some people seem to be hell bent on keeping it going this way.

I could rant and rave on forever, but I'd prefer get drunk with WrongEyedJesus and then maybe get back to trying to port Chaos Funk with the Allegro libraries. Step 1: Get Richard to give me the source! Step 2... Step 3... compile!

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It's Thursday - who still think we're getting new firmware / source this week?*

*Not really complaining, as long as they don't release new firmware until they're ready to release the source with it my bitching will be kept to a minimum.
It's Thursday - who still think we're getting new firmware / source this week?*

*Not really complaining, as long as they don't release new firmware until they're ready to release the source with it my bitching will be kept to a minimum.

I want the fw so badly :P The battery light will be my saviour :D
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It's Thursday - who still think we're getting new firmware / source this week?*

*Not really complaining, as long as they don't release new firmware until they're ready to release the source with it my bitching will be kept to a minimum.

I never thought so in the first place.

Where did that rumor originate btw?
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It's Thursday - who still think we're getting new firmware / source this week?*

*Not really complaining, as long as they don't release new firmware until they're ready to release the source with it my bitching will be kept to a minimum.

I never thought so in the first place.

Where did that rumor originate btw?
I think craigix started having a go at them lately so maybe they're actually making sure it's free of bugs before they release.
I think craigix or one of the devs has a beta version of the firmware
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It's Thursday - who still think we're getting new firmware / source this week?*

*Not really complaining, as long as they don't release new firmware until they're ready to release the source with it my bitching will be kept to a minimum.

I never thought so in the first place.

Where did that rumor originate btw?
I think craigix started having a go at them lately so maybe they're actually making sure it's free of bugs before they release.
I think craigix or one of the devs has a beta version of the firmware

I think it was Anarchy that had the beta.
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Personally, i'd rather have a nice, fully tested, complete firmware, including binaries and source, in 2 weeks than have some buggy piece of rubbish tomorrow :)

dont know about you guys though ^_^
It's Thursday - who still think we're getting new firmware / source this week?*

*Not really complaining, as long as they don't release new firmware until they're ready to release the source with it my bitching will be kept to a minimum.

In Korea, it's half way though the working day on Friday.

If they want to release it this week, it should be soon. But a lot of Koreans work Saturadays, so who knows.
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