Gpfce V0.1 Released

I did nuke an SD card once by copying a 700MB file to a card with 200MB free... Behaved exactly like a hunk of plastic afterwards. I'm still in favor of being cautious.

Also, I see no mention of River City Ransom - I assume that's not running? I understand that it's tricky for a unique reason of some kind.
Prothall posted on May 25 2006 at 10:17 PM said:
Also at I see no mention of River City Ransom - I assume that's not running? I understand that it's tricky for a unique reason of some kind.

TelcoLou: "Barf!"

Yep, just tried it ... works fine ;)
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Epicenter posted on May 26 2006 at 01:15 AM said:
DaveC posted on May 24 2006 at 11:37 PM said:
Epicenter posted on May 24 2006 at 10:53 PM said:
DaveC posted on May 24 2006 at 12:56 AM said:
I have noticed that when playing the emu that it saves automatically in a log file everything you do. BAD idea. That file will just get bigger and bigger eating more and more space. Plus constant writing to the card will wear it out (limited writes you know).

I wish people would stop spreading panic about this; your SD cards will work until there is no hardware around that still supports them. Or much much longer. Do you know a single person who's ever had a flash device wear out?

Go back and read the post again. Limited writes are only one concern, the possibility of corruption exists due to power outages, batteries, or just plain software bugs.

I said nothing of those points because I did not disagree with them.

Then my original statement stands, The card or NAND should not be arbitrarily written to unless allowed by the user. All other caches, scratch files etc should be written to RAM unless wanted otherwise by the user.
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noname posted on May 26 2006 at 07:15 PM said:

*cough* released in january *cough*

Your port seems faster though, so good work. Hope you'll be updating your version better than I updated mine ;)

Your port definitely inspired me to work on this. It showed possibilities. You were credited in the README as well. My goal for this project was to have a working NES emulator with good speed and many usability features.

On that note, I'm aiming to release version 0.2 this weekend, being Memorial day weekend and all.

Some highlights:
- turbo fire (configurable as either Y/B turbo or A/X turbo)
- no more wierd sound behavior (i think sounds a bit cleaner too)
- nice volume bar thanks to suggestions on the forum
- custom selector that supports 2048 roms and is sorted
- multiple save state slots
- better PAL support? (not sure.. I don't have any PAL games)

Some things are pending for this release
- fds support (experiencing some wierd behavior with this right now)
- game genie (I'm hoping for some file based native support)

Some things definitely not planned in this release
- s-video (I gave this a shot, but some how my svideo adaptor is not working. Not for any app or
even the menu for my gp2x. I wonder if I have a bad adaptor)
- configurable buttons

I noticed that there are web sites out there that have misnamed gpfce as version 1.0. I hope the v0.2 release doesn't confuse people. :D
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Cool please also add an option to look for ROMs in ANY directory path that the user sets up. Plus please make sure that you allow ROM dir browsing. Please don't make us dump all ROMs into a single hard coded directory (SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW searching, scrolling). Many have big ROMsets so we need the option to separate to sub dirs such as (abc) (def) etc. We can do that now with selector so If you aren't planning ROM browsing please give us the option to use selector too.

I seem to recall fGB, or whotsname, was released in a GP32 coding comp a while back, had a very neat system for browsing...

I seem to recall, don't have 32 anymore, that <--> moved between letters, and down/up moved between roms starting with particular letter.

Eh, somebody explain it better? :P
Suggestion: Have a command-line parameter that switches buttons from AY/XB to AX/YB. I think a lot of people are annoyed by the button layout, and adding a switch to the more common one makes good sense. Simple editing of the GPE means easy setup for you and lots of placated whiners (such as myself).
Yeah for working sound!

Can't wait for this next release.

I understand you are not puting configurable controls in this next version which I am ok with (I started to get used to the other way a little) but I had an idea of one that could implement both, (feel like I posted this before but I don't see it).

Don't know if that would interfear with the turbo you were making, just thought it might be a good standard control skeem.

Any-who keep up the great work!
Prothall posted on May 27 2006 at 01:53 PM said:
Suggestion: Have a command-line parameter that switches buttons from AY/XB to AX/YB. I think a lot of people are annoyed by the button layout, and adding a switch to the more common one makes good sense. Simple editing of the GPE means easy setup for you and lots of placated whiners (such as myself).

It's a good point. It'll be in the release.

DaveC posted on May 27 2006 at 04:08 AM said:
Cool please also add an option to look for ROMs in ANY directory path that the user sets up. Plus please make sure that you allow ROM dir browsing. Please don't make us dump all ROMs into a single hard coded directory (SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW searching, scrolling). Many have big ROMsets so we need the option to separate to sub dirs such as (abc) (def) etc. We can do that now with selector so If you aren't planning ROM browsing please give us the option to use selector too.


Subdirectories will be supported, if not already?

Jarska333 posted on May 27 2006 at 05:59 AM said:
I seem to recall fGB, or whotsname, was released in a GP32 coding comp a while back, had a very neat system for browsing...

I seem to recall, don't have 32 anymore, that <--> moved between letters, and down/up moved between roms starting with particular letter.

Eh, somebody explain it better? :P

This is a good suggestion. I'll try to get this in. L/R will still be page up/down.
I'll make left/right scroll by alphabet letters.
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Ah, didn't check back to see reception of my idea. Glad I was actually of some use around here. I now go to pop V.2 on.