It is planned for this year, I suspect given where the are , they will announce news within the next 3 months
Awesome, thanks for the leak :)
Only 2 months™ till we get to witness what awesome really is :)

I really love how massive the the GPD Win MAX looks (is) when sitting next to the GPD Win 2 and yet it says "handheld" :D

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The WIN Max is a hybrid. Ie something that can be used like the Pocket and something you can game on like the WIN

Sorry I couldn't disclose what was going on earlier - it's been happening for a number of months now. I'm glad it's out there now
The decision to switch to Ice Lake happened some months ago and they have been redeveloping it since then.
In the end there were just too many issues with the v1605b and zero support from AMD.

Hard to say when the Indiegogo campaign will be. Depends how they go developing it, but of course Intel is something they are very experienced with.

I'd say around mid year at a guess given where they are now. April-Aug sort of thing as a spread
Wouldn't it be better to have the d-pad outside just like Pyra? Also a real d-pad would be better than PSP style buttons IMO.