Gp3x And Its Competition

Ravnos said:
The screen on that thing looks so tiny. So much wasted space. I'm actually a lot less excited about it now.
There will be maybe an 10' display edition of this notebook, which fills the borders. Chances are that this edition will cost 300+$.
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I just did a search for "games PMP", and I found lot's of competition coming down the road for the gp2x/gp3x or what ever it end up being called. The new hand has a lot to live up to after what I've seen.

just check it out

This one have video-in record, and video out, built-in mic and mic line-in, 2 head phone jacks, 1gb built-in, and a video camera, with sd slot. This one sell for like $70-$80

The gp2x kicks a bit more ass because of all the software it has.
The chinese are unfamous for their cheap MP4 players which most share a cheap z80 based chip + a programmable dsp for mp3/wma (sometimes: ogg) playback along with capabilities for playing uncompressed AMV video. They often utilized tiny to small OLED displays in in sizes upto 1,8'.

Short introduction here:

It seems that some models now gotten NES, GB GBC and MD emulators installed. Yet the power of the those devices is quite limited. Still ok for some simpler emulation tasks.

The main point is that they are no real competitors of the GP2X: they are not programmable and its firmware is closed source. The programming style is bare to the metal and there is a project to have them an open source firmware

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It doesn't really interest me. Looks a bit large to carry around, but a bit small to actually use for anything serious.
Dubya' said:
Ravnos said:
The screen on that thing looks so tiny. So much wasted space. I'm actually a lot less excited about it now.
For $199, I can _easily_ put up with a 7" screen, particularly when considering all of the other features.

Not me. When they said 7" screen, I thought they would use the whole top area for screen and match the bottom to that size. If I were to buy that thing, I'd need to get the 10" model just so the black space doesn't bug the hell out of me.
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Ravnos said:
Dubya' said:
Ravnos said:
The screen on that thing looks so tiny. So much wasted space. I'm actually a lot less excited about it now.
For $199, I can _easily_ put up with a 7" screen, particularly when considering all of the other features.

Not me. When they said 7" screen, I thought they would use the whole top area for screen and match the bottom to that size. If I were to buy that thing, I'd need to get the 10" model just so the black space doesn't bug the hell out of me.

That would, of course, raise the price beyond $199. This thing is going to sell like crazy for all sorts of reasons.
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The $199 model will have a 2GB "HDD". You cant even install Windoze on that. I wouldn´t want it, especially as it doesn´t have a VGA out, which would be nice for doing presentations in the Uni.

Play-Asia Link
Fishbong said:
O M G. :o

GP2X with touchscreen and dirpad. Its like a wet dream of Handheldgaming.

How long has this news been out?
Yes, I think the gp3x has got some competition after all :)
Pricing and launchdate of the gp3x could be most crucial for its success.
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b_o_b said:
Fishbong said:
O M G. :o

GP2X with touchscreen and dirpad. Its like a wet dream of Handheldgaming.

How long has this news been out?
Yes, I think the gp3x has got some competition after all :)
Pricing and launchdate of the gp3x could be most crucial for its success.

The F200 stands F all chance against the Craiginator. Too little too late and all that jazz :rolleyes:
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sam fisher said:
b_o_b said:
Yes, I think the gp3x has got some competition after all :)
Pricing and launchdate of the gp3x could be most crucial for its success.
The F200 stands F all chance against the Craiginator. Too little too late and all that jazz :rolleyes:

We'll see... Hardware in my hand is worth a lot more to me than vague promises on a message board (what's the exact hardware spec on the "GP3X" again?)... Call me Doubting Thomas, but until I see some hardware prototypes and a firm release date, I'll put my money on a proven system with lots of available software and some cool tweaks... I know I'll be buying the F-200 the day it's released! :)
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I'm waiting for a gp3x - while d-pad and touchscreen would be nice, I want wifi. Being able to connect to my wireless network would be great, and finally, real multiplayer!

IF the gp3x comes out, I'll probably buy it if it has the specs I've seen.
I really want a good d-pad, My GP2x is currently languishing in a corner because all my stick covers broke. (Cheap plastic!)


p.s. and... better construction this time! My gp2x looks rather... cobbled together by now, with all the repairs I've made to it.