In Gta San Andreas Pc


Founder of Pirate Games - Penjin Coder
Staff member
Dec 8, 2005
I'm kinda frustrated, but I can't seem to get aynone to follow me... I'm quite near the end of the game too. :/

I've pulled up a couple of guides by searching around that say: aim at the person to recruit and press up on the Dpad... but obviously I'm on the PC, so this doesn't directly translate...

I do use a PS2 pad to play, but pressin up on the Dpad did sweetFA.

anyhelp would be appreciated.
daclassicgamingmaster posted on May 23 2006 at 02:06 PM said:
dunno, never played it on PC. Keep looking for guides, I guess??

You need to build your muscle up to mid/max before you can recruit ppl. I cant give you any tips on how its done since I havn't yet

Good Luck!

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requirements are the same as in the console versions, the key is y or z or something, just look in the key config options.
Well this is what I'm trying to get at... I already have looked through the key config, but no entry says "recruit gang member"

It doesn't tell you in the manual how to recruit gang members either.

My best guess from looking at the key config, is aim at them and press Y (Y is a positive response, N is a negative) That didn't work though.

*sigh* :unsure: it looks like I'm just going to have to start a new game and play until the mission where it teaches you how to recruit gang members... that's the only place it's looking like I'll find out.
Thanks anyway.
On PC I hold right mouse button, then aim at one of the green groove st gang members, a white arrow is above their head. You then press up (W key) while having them in aim.
My gang members all used to die as soon as we got into a fight :(

Damn crappy hommies.
Javacat posted on May 25 2006 at 11:58 AM said:
My gang members all used to die as soon as we got into a fight :(

Damn crappy hommies.

Perhaps you should have considered organising a jumble sale with them or a whist night instead of fighting, that way they may have lasted longer......
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