GP32X Needs You!

No, I'm not fucking enjoying this. I'm not enjoying this at all. You are really irritating me and I wish you'd stop being such a prick. If you don't want me to defend myself stop fucking trolling me. Why not actually put me on ignore like you said you would.
You see, *this* is why we *need* moderators!

(Not me, I withdraw from the race [unless I get Exophases' vote, its not worth the responsibility])
Thanks for your suggestions, we'll let you know when we've come to a decision.
torpor said:
Exophase said:
[... loads of text ...]

"Poking a stick" at someone is called trolling. Are you a troll?

Yikes. You're really enjoying this. Is anyone else?

Not enjoying, but I'm afraid it is not uncalled for, nor unnecessary. I don't know what the f*ck has gotten into people lately - You and Mali and Craig and loads of people - but for some reason shit is going downhill. Stop. Take a step back. Actually, really, seriously, consider what Exophase is pointing at.

You seem, at the moment, intent on out-Craiging Craig in some sort of passive-agressive trolling. It is not necessary to fill that space.
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Moxie said:
Not enjoying, but I'm afraid it is not uncalled for, nor unnecessary. I don't know what the f*ck has gotten into people lately - You and Mali and Craig and loads of people - but for some reason shit is going downhill. Stop. Take a step back. Actually, really, seriously, consider what Exophase is pointing at.

You seem, at the moment, intent on out-Craiging Craig in some sort of passive-agressive trolling. It is not necessary to fill that space.
Yup, I think that is what this board is missing. Some kind of automatic rage cooldown, if there are too many posts filled with anger, a temporary (but getting longer if it is reincident) lockdowns should be imposed to force people think first about how an ass they can potentially be. Lately people don't seem capable of doing that.

Heck, I almost back down from this post, but I figure the above quote should have more exposure. As the internet slang would say: QTF.
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Blue Ion said:
Yup, I think that is what this board is missing. Some kind of automatic rage cooldown
You mean like a time out? "You two have been fighting too much. Go stand in the corner and think about what you've done." :P
Or more simply, an 8 or 12 hour suspension.
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WizardStan said:
You mean like a time out? "You two have been fighting too much. Go stand in the corner and think about what you've done." :P
Or more simply, an 8 or 12 hour suspension.
I actually mean it, instead of what you have done, think what are you about do.
I've followed the Mali vs Craigix meltdown and several times I had a ready to many people in there, but everytime I hit preview and read it I reached the conclusion that it would just add little other than, so I decided to go elsewhere and relax, so I could think clearer.
I came back with a much more meaningful reply but, alas, the thread got itself several more litres of concentrated bile and such post would just get ignored anyway.
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We need to calm down here and get back on track. Exophase and Torpor can you take this to PM please, we really don't need a public fight, especially with all that has just gone by.

May I just say that before anyone thinks about becoming a mod, it will change the way people view you. Every decision you make can turn people you got on with into enemies, and on the flip side you are also in a position to help to protect people from unnecessary flaming. The trouble is that nobody enjoys being modded, especially if they are angry and in retaliation in a flaming match. Some even take it personal if a moderator does their job on the boards, and fail to see that we're only trying our best to try and keep the place happy in our own spare time.

Please don't take the responsibility of moderation lightly, it can become a difficult job to correctly balance our decisions between being strict and light handed. Sometimes we may seem like we have been hard handed but don't forget there is a lot going on behind the scenes, such as a persons warn levels. Also, if anyone has a problem with a decision made by a mod, they are actively encouraged to PM the mod in question for an explanation. I on several occasion after having a conversation in PM altered a decision to come to some sort of happy medium, and am always happy to listen. Nothing is set in stone, we are only human and as such we should be flexible and adult enough to take on any feedback and deal with them fairly.

Clare, your comments are noted but they're days after the fact and not especially relevant at this point. However, to their end, I do want to say this:

A risk with moderation is that the mods only see things at the surface, they only see "angry bickering" that needs to be removed, and often miss a real underlying problem beneath it that needs to be addressed. Sometimes problems that can only really be addressed and dealt with with what's pretty much a public fight, because some things go beyond a personal issue between two people. Or even in the case where it is just a personal issue between two people, but one of those people is operating in an insidious manner that isn't coming off as outright "wrong" to the moderators.

I posted in this thread, that big "wall of text", because I didn't want torpor (and potentially others) to be a mod, for reasons that I've made very clear. And I've defended myself from his trolling response, in what I've said would be the last time. I was obviously pretty pissed at this point (something I also didn't try to hide), but all of the posts I make here are very deliberate. If I had a chance to go back and say something differently I wouldn't change anything. If you ever think of giving me a "time out" to let me think about what I'm doing then you'd may as well just ban me indefinitely - if I feel I've made a mistake in what I've posted I'll let you know, otherwise assume I meant what I said.

It's all moot now that he doesn't want to be mod. But it's also likely moot because I've decided that if torpor ever takes another shot at me for posting instead of coding or not living up to his expectations I'm not going to be coming around here anymore. So chances are pretty good that it's only a matter of time.
Exophase said:
But it's also likely moot because I've decided that if torpor ever takes another shot at me for posting instead of coding or not living up to his expectations I'm not going to be coming around here anymore. So chances are pretty good that it's only a matter of time.

Wow, that sounds a bit radical. Why should you let anyone get to you like that. It is your life, you decide whatever you do and I think 99% of this forum appreciates you being here.

On topic: The best mods should be the un-flaming ones. That pretty much rules out Exo and torpor ;p
I don't know about the other candidates but I agree with Exophase just picking a couple of mods based on a couple of votes in this thread doesn't seem to be a good idea.
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b_o_b said:
Wow, that sounds a bit radical. Why should you let anyone get to you like that. It is your life, you decide whatever you do and I think 99% of this forum appreciates you being here.

Because I can't stand it and he won't stop. I don't care if he's doing it just to troll me at this point. I'm not putting up with it anymore.
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Exophase said:
A risk with moderation is that the mods only see things at the surface, they only see "angry bickering" that needs to be removed, and often miss a real underlying problem beneath it that needs to be addressed. Sometimes problems that can only really be addressed and dealt with with what's pretty much a public fight, because some things go beyond a personal issue between two people. Or even in the case where it is just a personal issue between two people, but one of those people is operating in an insidious manner that isn't coming off as outright "wrong" to the moderators.
Like I said, we're always open to anyone contacting us for whatever reason to help in any reasonable way we can. My post (Except asking you two to take things into PM) was not aimed at you, it was just passing my general feelings on to potential moderators.
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Exophase said:
b_o_b said:
Wow, that sounds a bit radical. Why should you let anyone get to you like that. It is your life, you decide whatever you do and I think 99% of this forum appreciates you being here.

Because I can't stand it and he won't stop. I don't care if he's doing it just to troll me at this point. I'm not putting up with it anymore.

If you feel that way, add him to your block list. It's only trolling if you are there to be trolled.
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If a troll trolls in the forest and no one is around to hear they're still a troll.

Sorry, but I don't put people on ignore. I either want all of what's going on or none of it, not something with unknown pieces missing. Posts aren't made here in a vacuum. People who put others on ignore always inevitably miss something and inject confusion into the forum as a result. As an extreme example I've known someone on an IRC channel who had several regulars on ignore, and he was constantly misreading/misengaging in discussions because of it.
Exophase said:
Because I can't stand it and he won't stop. I don't care if he's doing it just to troll me at this point. I'm not putting up with it anymore.
Put him on ignore?

EDIT: Ninja'd and response ninja'd :P
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I like the idea of being a mod, but I don't think I could dedicate the extra time. Also, I prefer to be in the background rather than in the firing line.