GP32X Needs You!

Goity said:
link or it never happened.
I can't find the post, but I captured it when it happened.
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Heyz~ B)

In the wake of the unfortunate stepping down of Peter R as mod (it's our loss, imho)...I want to be given a chance to be a GP32x mod, because 1. I'm extremely active and 2. I'm also a well behaved + useful Admin here.

EDIT: Image added.


quote said:
Goity said:
link or it never happened.
I can't find the post, but I captured it when it happened.
That one was part of fighting a lost cause. Craig took the chance to open his own boards and I tried to sacrifice myself to reverse the split. It would have been easy to ban me and to tell I were a troll. In the end I realized that the split had other reasons and he didn't intend to come back anyway.
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quartercast said:
Vote 1 for mali, official dry cleaner and ironer of R.B. & SONY posts.
That is much needed lately (and he finally have a descent avatar) so...
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