- Future

What new domain should use?


    Votes: 95 88.8%

    Votes: 8 7.5%

    Votes: 2 1.9%

    Votes: 2 1.9%

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Staff member
Mar 4, 2003

I'm really sorry for the long time not really visiting these boards - as most of you probably know:
I took on the task moving the Pandora production from Texas to Germany... and that was a lot of work.

Most of it has been done, so I'll try to visit these boards more often again!

The post I'm doing today is a pretty important one.
As some might know, I'm hosting on one of my servers.
The server will be shutdown in February, so I need to move the full site.

However, the domain is owned by hando. I tried to reach him using different ways - I never got a reply.
What's even worse, the domain is open for sale... so it could go any time.

The only one who can move the domain to a new server is hando.
And the server will be shut down next month, so we HAVE to move.

I'll still try to get in contact with hando, but it seems to me the best option is to use one of my domains and move everything to one of my servers.
I'd also offer to pay the upgrade to the latest IPB, so the spam should all go away.

Once the movement is done, we could upgrade the website with new features. Anyone is happy to help.

So, what do you think?
I've added a poll for your favourite domain.

If you got any other ideas, let me know as well.
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I approve. Especially on the spam front. So much spam. So very much GAH THERE'S ANOTHER ONE! KILL IT! KIIIILLLL IIIIITT!!!!!
As we've discussed this some time ago you already know my opinion about that.

But this pool definatly need more advertising. At least being a news on the front page and/or posted in all "general section" as well
Edit: done in the section where I'm known (caanoo, pandora) but need more advertizing
I guess many would be sad to see the GP32X name go, but I think is a good choice. It represents a greater range of hardware, and of course ties in with the file archives.
Gruso said:
I guess many would be sad to see the GP32X name go, but I think is a good choice. It represents a greater range of hardware, and of course ties in with the file archives.

Yes, I'd like to include the file archive better on the website as well.
The new IBP can include RSS feeds (like the OpenPandora boards does it with the repo), so we could have the latest files here as well.
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I'd say maybe go with something like, as atleast we still know it's gp32x... glad to hear things are being done to make sure that it doesn't disappear into the ether...
Openhandhelds has my vote, or something like Hooka's suggestion is good to. When this is all said and done we need an Android section added though. There's some consoles hitting the market now and it's only the beginning imo.

Can everything from the current forums be saved as it's on your server or is it all getting wiped and restarted from scratch?
The GP2X and Wiz (etc.) machines are becoming older and the community has definitely dropped off over the years. Other (non GP/GPH) machines have dedicated forums elsewhere, and have taken many of our old regulars (including many Pandora fans/owners). With the new ranges of Android etc. machines now out there I think that OpenHandhelds makes a lot more sense - open up the forums to any and every open source console/handheld/mobile device.

Whatever the choice, I'm sure many of us will continue to visit the forum, no matter what it's called. And hopefully more Admin/Mod involvement should reduce the amount of spam we're seeing here.
i think along with the domain name change, a slight change in focus (and vision) would be welcome as well. open it up to *all* 'open' handhelds, as mentioned above, and make it more inclusive.
Whatever we do, I think it's important to preserve the database. Basically all GPH device history is here, as well as good part of pandora's.
Gruso said:
I guess many would be sad to see the GP32X name go, but I think is a good choice. It represents a greater range of hardware, and of course ties in with the file archives.
hitbyambulance said:
i think along with the domain name change, a slight change in focus (and vision) would be welcome as well. open it up to *all* 'open' handhelds, as mentioned above, and make it more inclusive.
notaz said:
Whatever we do, I think it's important to preserve the database. Basically all GPH device history is here, as well as good part of pandora's.

I agree to all of the above but especialy Notaz's point. It would be a real shame to loose any of that info and history; not only about the GPH devices, but all the original idea threads for the Pandora too.
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notaz said:
Whatever we do, I think it's important to preserve the database. Basically all GPH device history is here, as well as good part of pandora's.

This - There's a lot of info held on here that's still handy to search through.

How about :)

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Orion4874 said:
Openhandhelds has my vote, or something like Hooka's suggestion is good to. When this is all said and done we need an Android section added though. There's some consoles hitting the market now and it's only the beginning imo.

Can everything from the current forums be saved as it's on your server or is it all getting wiped and restarted from scratch?

Yes, an update is a good idea.
A new file archive (with better features) might be neat, if somebody knows such a system, I could install it.

I'm happy with more admins and developers who'd like to help out create a fresh new interesting site with all the classic content as well :)

Everything is saved on my server, so nothing is lost and gets wiped :)

HunterZ said:
If the domain is going up for sale, then why can't you buy it?

Bit too expensive ;)
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That's their estimate. Put an interest to buy or whatever they're called, let it expire, wait the 30 days, buy it up at normal price. I'm a little fuzzy on the details, but that was one option I was given once to recover a domain I'd lost the password to: just let it expire and repurchase it.
There is a timeout period of 30 days or so, so during that time the forum would effectively be dead or moved to another server anyway, so it's questionable exactly what benefit it would give.
WizardStan said:
That's their estimate. Put an interest to buy or whatever they're called, let it expire, wait the 30 days, buy it up at normal price. I'm a little fuzzy on the details, but that was one option I was given once to recover a domain I'd lost the password to: just let it expire and repurchase it.
There is a timeout period of 30 days or so, so during that time the forum would effectively be dead or moved to another server anyway, so it's questionable exactly what benefit it would give.

Well, the issue is:
AFAIK, hando has an auto-renew registration, so it will never expire.
But anyone could buy it right now - and I can't afford it and we can't move it unless I get a reply from hando.

The domain is for sale for quite a while now.
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EvilDragon said:
The domain is for sale for quite a while now.
That's really weird. All of my understand of domain names is that once you register them they belong to you, no amount of money can be paid to take them away from you. The only way to lose them is for them to expire and someone else to snap it up.
There are three scenarios I can see here:
1) Hando is actually the person who put up for auction.
2) GoDaddy sees a profitable domain name and has put it up themselves for people to bid on in the event that it expires. Money will only change hands if it expires.
3) Hando doesn't actually own the domain name. GoDaddy has registered it entirely under their own name so they are free to do with it as they want.

(1) is a conspiracy theory. (2) is the most likely case but I need to research these auctions more. (3) is also possible.
In any event, that GoDaddy is auctioning websites before they've expired seems to be extremely bad form and questionably hostile. I don't like it.
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