Gp32x Collaborative Faq

I wouldn't bet on it. Maybe one day we will have 90% compattability and sound on the RPGs, but due to hardware restrictions we will never see an emulator that is 100% perfect.
Azure posted on Oct 25 2003 said:
Wait until rlyeh releases fSNES and yoyo revails his secret project
people are going to be dissapointed if his project isnt a snes emu. people shouldnt b so certain, no matter how likely it looks.
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Azure posted on Oct 26 2003 said:
Wait until rlyeh releases fSNES and yoyo revails his secret project
It probably isn't a SNES emu. He is working with three other guys on it and coding a emulator with three guys is pretty hard. Every one got the're own code style and in th end it would be impossiblt to get it all together.

Rlyeh will probably finish his other emu's before he start working on Fsnes32.
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Dolfhin posted on Oct 26 2003 said:
Azure posted on Oct 26 2003 said:
Wait until rlyeh releases fSNES and yoyo revails his secret project
It probably isn't a SNES emu. He is working with three other guys on it and coding a emulator with three guys is pretty hard. Every one got the're own code style and in th end it would be impossiblt to get it all together.

Rlyeh will probably finish his other emu's before he start working on Fsnes32.
I think it is going to be a SNES emu, remember the whole thing about LJGP32 being a NES and SNES emu?
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Im just remindin people that its still speculation. Why would someone advertise the fact that they are making a nes and snes emu, make the nes part and then announce a "secret project". Surely if hes already anounced a snes part of the emu then he would just wouldnt need to announce a seperate secret project. I thought that it was goin to be a general nintendo systems emu so maybe hes workin on a gbc part?

Okay, is the gp32 FLu-Lit better then the GP32? Because I hear that the thin layer for the FLu-Lit blocks some "picture quality", w/o the light on. But the Gp32 doesn't have a light, so it's ok (but no light). Is this FLu-Lut rumor True?


-Matt (Last Post of this PLZ!!)
I'm not sure about the rumor, but if you have the money GET THE FLU!! I don't have it and I REALLY wish I did. If there is absolutely NO WAY of you getting the flu then it's ok, but if you can, get the flu.
Since I have both, I can give you an unbaised reply.

The FLU looks identical to the regular GP32 when the light is off. But when you turn the light on, you will never want to switch it back off.

In other words.. GET THE FLU!! :)
(is that Daz from Maxforums?? I mean, how many can there be?)

Get FLU if you want to be happy. Get non-FLU if you want to be miserable and sad.
Thx for Pinning it like I said. Now everyone knows. Very good.
I bought the non-flu yesterday. It's coming in seven days. If someone is willing to buy it for 165$ shipped I'll sell it to them. Using Paypal of course. But I can't wait, even w/o SNES. There's still games I have never had the chance to play, and ones i never got to fully enjoy. I'm happy.


i have a non-FLU

it is great!

if you are not gonna play in the dark you do not really need one

the screen looks clear with a small amount of lighting

plus you save some money to buy a sms card or some games or a carrying case

also, i heard the FLU has like 4 hours of battery life, is this true?
if you have the light off then the batteries last as long as a normal gp32. with the light on though then it lasts around 6 hours on my rechargeables, maybe a bit more. plenty in my opinion as i only turn it on when its needed and u really notice the difference.
the FLU is a nice extra but its not neccessary. if you've ever compared a Neo Geo Pocket Colour(best. commercial. handheld. ever!) to any color gameboy you'll know what i mean. with a reflective screen you can actually see the screen. I didn't buy an FLU GP32 because I knew it had a reflectiv screen, but as a gba player as well, i bought an SP within a month of its release and never looked back. :lol: My friend has an FLU and in normal daylight or indoor lights (eg, not pointing a light directly at the system) it doesn't make a difference. :)
if you have the light off then the batteries last as long as a normal gp32. with the light on though then it lasts around 6 hours on my rechargeables, maybe a bit more. plenty in my opinion as i only turn it on when its needed and u really notice the difference.
Best thing about double A's is that if you know you're going to be away for a long time, you can just buy loads of batteries to take with you. With my ipod for example, I know that once the battery is gone, it's dead until I can get near a power socket. :(
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The FLU looks identical to the regular GP32 when the light is off. But when you turn the light on, you will never want to switch it back off.

In other words.. GET THE FLU!!

Thats not true.

The non-FLU doesnt have the reflective ribbed screeen underneath the outer screen, so the contrast is much better on that than on the FLU with the light off (I know - I've had both and compared them side-by-side).

So there :P


If you can afford a flu, get one, if not, then get a non-flu rather than nothing!

For the people out there in the Netherlands: you can get your GP32 unit from a website called Independent Gamers Depot website. This company is located in Haarlem, Holland. The url: Independent Gamers Depot.