gp32K update beta layout

please take a look a the site theres nothing on it i just want peoples opinion on the style/layout loading times

thanks in advance


for now i dont have a credit card to buy space and i dont even know if anyones going to uses the site yet so ill keep it there for now
Nothing wrong with a freeservers account I've got my site on one and I'm quite happy with it. Then again I do use my dad's business web space for all of my large files but other than that things like the corkboard are useful and freeservers sites always get into google, shame they screwed my meta up.
You should make make the site in flash, and use flash as the gp32 screen, and have that over a big picture of a gp32, so its like your on a gp32 lol.
Mofokubik posted on Sep 1 2003 said:
You should make make the site in flash, and use flash as the gp32 screen, and have that over a big picture of a gp32, so its like your on a gp32 lol.
Goo idea, i think i'll try that
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