Gp32ide V1.00 Preview Edition


Apr 2, 2004
Liguria, Italy
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Here we are.
I've finally packaged my GP32iDE, so you all can try it. I've included a TXT file that explains how to set it up for first time usage and a brief description of it.

Feel free to try it; I hope you'll like it. It works on Windows OS.

Feedbacks are well accepted ( hope I only have the time to answer them, coz i'm at work, and I don't have a home-connection :unsure: ).


Best regards
Looks great, I really like the "Compile", "Compile and run Emulator" and "Run Emulator" compile options. It just makes life a bit easier. :)

It doesnt seem to have its own "project file" structure. (a simple file that contains a list of all of the projects files) most IDE's have something like this, for example, DevC++ has .dev project files. Etc...

Oh, also, you have all of the settings filled in with junk that alot of people dont have, like you have the temp folder set to d:\temp and the devkit folder to E:\GP32\DevkitAdv\ and a "tool" created on the menu at D:\Programmi\Paint Shop Pro 5\Psp.exe and the help file set at F:\GP32iDE v1.00\data\GP32 Sdk API Reference.hlp, it would be nice if you could remove all of those defaults, because the likiness of someone having the exact same directory and file structure as you, is slim to none, especially when you scatter it over 4 different drives. Or atleast put them in common defaults like c:\ not e:\ , d:\ and f:\ those are not common.

For the Temp, and the Help, it should be set the App.Path & "\Temp\" and App.Path & "\data\" etc... not static hardcoded directory defaults.

Also everytime you change a path, a setting, or edit the optional paramaters, you have to restart the app, thats a big pain. I dont see why it would ever be like that, it should be just a simple variable setting.

Also, your "Compile and Launch Emulator" and "Launch Emulator" options do not automatically include the path and filename of the project you are working on.
Like: geepee32 /EXE=MyGame.fxe /RUN

Now, you DO have an emulator optional paramaters setting, however, this is a global setting, so it requires you to change it to your specific Game/App path and name EVERYTIME you load a different project. (which is more of a pain than usual because you require a restart after setting changes to take effect)

If you use project files, like suggested, you can save the settings (and optional paramaters) PER project, so each project can have customized paramaters (some projects I have use SMC's, so they have the /SMC=MyVSMC.smc paramater, but some dont, so they dont need this paramater. Get my point?

Yes, I DO understand this is a preview release and you may have just not gotten to those options/features yet. And some of those things I listed may just be temporary things you did just to get a preview release ready. This is just my feedback :)

Other then that, it looks great so far. I would love to see this finished. Right now I have to edit in DevC++ and have three separate batch files (run, compile, compile and run) that I use when I want to compile or run. Your IDE helps out a lot there.

Just a quick question wot is Gp32ide???

Its a simple C/C++ code editor specially tailored for GP32 development.
Hi Akuma no Houkon,
thanks for the feedback :-)

As you have said, this is a PreviewRelease, so some things has left off intentionally. I decided to release it to see if can be useful to somebody, before losing hours making enhancements not needed by me. :)

It doesnt seem to have its own "project file" structure. (a simple file that contains a list of all of the projects files) most IDE's have something like this, for example, DevC++ has .dev project files. Etc...
I know, I was thinking to create a project file to embedd not only the source files, but also graphics.. I'm planning to add this feature in future releases, just have to study it :D

The default settings you mention have been left to show a sample of should be there; i wrote in the included txt file to go in settings and customize it... :P

I'm working on this too... it will prompt you on startup if something's wrong or missing.

Also everytime you change a path, a setting, or edit the optional paramaters, you have to restart the app, thats a big pain. I dont see why it would ever be like that, it should be just a simple variable setting.
Yep, but until now I used to set my prefs once, so I didn't spent minutes on this... I'll fix this soon ;-)

Now, you DO have an emulator optional paramaters setting, however, this is a global setting, so it requires you to change it to your specific Game/App path and name EVERYTIME you load a different project. (which is more of a pain than usual because you require a restart after setting changes to take effect)
You're right... I've put the Parametersetting, but It's not still used... maybe when the projects will be used, I'll handle this variable too :)

I'd really like to thank you for trying my IDE and for give your feedback; I really apreciate it. :lol:
I'm planning to use a project creation wizard, to make the task easier.. Maybe in the next release, you'll see some of the things you reported, fixed B)

Thanks again...
Later, Alessandro
This looks like the type of thing that would make coding a lot more straightforward. I'd love to see some of the additions above added in. It looks like someone's finally produced a tool to give me the impetus to start learning to code again.

Thanks, and keep up the good work.

so let me get this right...
I learn C and then I code on a screen this opens , and hit compile and it becomes an fxe?
if so sweet, I will have to learn C before May now....

o ya, it will work with just C right?
dosnt have to make anything fast, but will it?

Octavious posted on Apr 6 2004 at 10:57 AM said:
so let me get this right...
I learn C and then I code on a screen this opens , and hit compile and it becomes an fxe?
if so sweet, I will have to learn C before May now....

o ya, it will work with just C right?
dosnt have to make anything fast, but will it?

Its just the IDE, its not the compiler, the compiler is GCC (you need the devkitadv package) which is a C compiler used by a huge % of the C programmers.

Its compiled C through GCC, this program is just the editor. Like a suped up notepad. You can still write the same code and compile the same apps for the GP32 using notepad and the GCC compiler, but using an app like this and the GCC compiler just makes everything much easier.

Right now I use
For my IDE, and have a batch file that compiles the code in and uses the proper apps on it to convert it to a proper fxe and runs the emulator all in one.

But if this IDE gets finished it will save me that extra effort.
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Just to let you all know, I've spent the last hours writing the new version of the app B)
I've fixed some issues and i'm working on project-files management, emulator params, and a lot of more stuff :lol: heheheh

Like Akuma wrote, it's a sort of supermegapowered notepad, very similar to DevC++, but with GP32 specific targeted features.. The new project wizard will generate for you a skeleton for your game/app in just 4 clicks, generating source file, header file, makefile, and the icon.

It will produce GXB and then FXE.

Octavious, I targeted it to compile your C code. The only fast thing is that you don't have to create each time a makefile, a gpmain.c, a gpmain.h and a icon.bmp.. It will make them for you.. You have only to put your code. ;-)

I hope to release it before Easter (ie, the end of this week), so stay tuned for more.

Thanks to you all for trying it :-)
oddio non ci credo...oddio mi sento male...un italiano...non è possibile mi sto sbagliando di siete in molti qua dentro??
Will it do like Codewright/ DevC++ etc and show members of structures/etc on demand? If your looking for how to implement this, then I'm sure the sources of DevC++ will help.
Hmmm, how about to get the temp folder you expand the TEMP environment string? Thats the easiest way of doing it. In VB it would just be
tempFolder = Environ("TEMP")

Anyways, it seems pretty cool, I was thinking of doing something like this in VisualBasic (I made a HTML editor once in VB with (slightly glitchy) colour coded syntax, so I guessed I could make something) But with something like this already avaliable I don't think I should bother.

And there definitely is a demand for a program like this, keep with the improvements and I'm sure it will grow from something useful into something capable of amazing feats.
Squidge: I think that will be useful to have a tree of all functions in the iDE, I'll take a look at that sources later... Right now I've added support to manage Project files, and many new fixes/additions to make it more usable B)

clone: The iDE is coded in Delphi, and to get the env temp path is simple as VB, but I decided to use a custom folder since sometimes, you want to store it on another drive or if something crashes, you can look inside or do wathever you want. :P

I think I should make a poll to see if other users prefer to have as temp directory the windows' default one.

If everything goes well, tomorrow I'll post the official final version 1.00. :lol: B)

Later on
Alaska posted on Apr 6 2004 at 01:05 PM said:
oddio non ci credo...oddio mi sento male...un italiano...non è possibile mi sto sbagliando di siete in molti qua dentro??
Ohh mio dio.anche io sono italiano! :D
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Is damn good. I've got rico's tutorials all working fine in it. Cant wait for updates to this - thanks Mirko. Just working on incorperating Mr Mirko's SDK functions into devkitadv at the moment. Still can quite work out how :P Will get there in the end :)

Edit : Mirko? Mirko? I mean Alessandro! Sorry :rolleyes:
Mirko?!?!? :lol: So I should call you SwordMan :P :lol:
No problem man :)

Thanks for the answer... I've benn out for Easter with my wife, so I couldn't update the iDE, but in the last days I worked hard on it.. I've added project files, fixed a lot of bugs, and also I've added a New project Wizard feature ;)

Now I'm testing it, and still fixing some minor bugs... I thought to release it in the last past days, but I preferred to wait a bit more, to release a final version, not yet another Preview. :)

Since I'm coming from the GBA development, I tried the devkitadv to compile for GP32, and I focused on this... As soon as the 1.0 final version of GP32iDE will be released, I'll work on Mirko's SDK integration. B)

Right now I'm gonna making it work without major bugs... Gotta finish my job.
