Gp32 Gnu Go V0.2 Alpha Released


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Petiso updated GP32 GNU GO.


New features:
- Settings Screen: Board Size, Player Type, Handicap, CPU Speed, GNU Go Variables.
- The GP32 can now count the points when a game is over

Download: GP32 GNU Go
I wish someone would do GNUGO for the GP2X, yet another reason why I have to eventually get a GP32 I guess...
Why does Petiso torture us poor GP2X users?
Does anyone know if he plans to port GNU GO the GP2X?
I will definitely donate to such an endeavor.

I know someone was working on a port to the GP2X, but I was unable to find the thread again.
I guess the project was abandoned due to lack of performance on the GP2X which is strange because it seems to be running fine on the GP32.
Thanks all for the compliments:-p

Chappy posted on Aug 1 2006 at 07:05 PM said:
Why does Petiso torture us poor GP2X users?
Does anyone know if he plans to port GNU GO the GP2X?
I will definitely donate to such an endeavor.

I know someone was working on a port to the GP2X, but I was unable to find the thread again.
I guess the project was abandoned due to lack of performance on the GP2X which is strange because it seems to be running fine on the GP32.

In theory, it will be easier to port GNU Go to GP2X rather than the GP32 port. The reason is that the GNU GO in made for run in linux.

Also, on of the problems of the GP32 is the lack of memory. With the GP2X you will not have that problem.

> I will definitely donate to such an endeavor.

We can talk about that :-p

Bye !
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Likewise, actually... go on the 2x is one of the few things I would offer a small donation-bounty for. Basically, to the tune of $10 for a version of go that can give me a coherent game (not, obviously, a tough game, but a game nonetheless) without flickering (plagued early GP32 ports before this one), and has the ability to read sgf files.

I might stretch a bit more for the ability to edit sgf files (not necessarily the "notes" that go with them) and, crucially, save any completed game as an SGF file...