Ggg (gp32 Gnu Go) Very Early Alpha Released


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Pesito from the boards released a VERY early alpha version of his new project GGG (GP32 GNU GO).


This is a very first alpha version of GGG (GP32 GNU GO) still with miserable graphics (according to the author :))

It's a port of Pocket GNU, using GNU Go AI.

It's possible to play against the GP32 on a 9x9 board.
Black (Human player begins. The GP32 doesn't play too good yet - perfect for learning GO ;)
While playing, you can decide if you want to make your move, pass or undo your last move.
The GP32 runs at 133MHz - should be fast enough, though it can take up to 60 seconds per move when it gets complicated...
But while gameplay is simple, it moves instantly.

Use START to show or hide the menu, the stick moves the cursor.

To do:
* Score at the end of the game (you need to do it manually at the moment)
* Better Graphics
* More Options

Enjoy :)

Note: Translated from Spanish by EvilDragon.
Original Thread:

You can download it at the GP32x File Archive.
Very very cool... whilst the GP32 has had Go for some time, this one looks somehow a little more polished than the others. Admittedly that's not especially hard considering how badly plagued each of them was by flickering and lack of features, but nonetheless, a very nice little release.

Now I've just got to wait for someone to port GnuGo over to the 2x!
When I say lack of features, I mean things like no menu, no ability to save games or play through sgf trees, no undoing moves, dodgy score calculation, only one size of board, and that sort of thing.

I'm not, I hasten to add, saying the AI should be fantastic precisely because, as you say, it'd incredibly hard to do. Though GnuGo does a decent job - and 10-15k is enough for a fun game. If you're better than that, you could always give the computer a handicap.

This one, though, looks very promising!
Thanks for all the comments.

Tobriand, I will tray to do all that things you say. Really, the current version you can Undo, and in the last version at the end of the game the GGG allow you to change the dead status (but normally they mark the dead stones correctly), and then they scores well too.

Now I'm working with the interface, for allow 9x9, 13x13 and 19x19 boards, handicap, select the level (parameters) for the AI, etc.

And a questions: Do you think that the option of 2 players in the same GP32 is needed ?

Bye !
Sounds good :)

2 players on the same unit... can be useful, I think - e.g. for experimenting with situations on the board. Also might make it easier to deal with SGF files if you ever get round to that.

Seriously, many many thanks for working on this - as I said earlier, Go (at least in a version that feels playable) has been absent from the GP32 for far too long!