Gp32 Blu Question


NazcaBeer Spokesman
Feb 9, 2004
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hello everyone as some of you may know I still don't have my GP32 yet :( (i seem to have problems with saving money) but as now i finally have a shot at getting a part-time job for a while i may finally be able to get this AMAZING little handheld when BLU comes out
:D gp32_console :D

but i have a few questions about the light/firmware

i heard somewheres that the BLU light is turned on/off by holding down the select button for three or more seconds. would this be programed into the firware? if so would that mean that by flashing it would you not have any control over the light anymore? would special firmwares need to be made for BLU's? also would holding down select for 3 seconds interfere with gameplay much?

srry i really don't know if anyone will be able to answer or if this has been posted before ;)

thanks for any help and hopefully i may soon be able to join all of you in using this wonderful machine!!
As I understand it, its already been confirmed that it won't have a switch like the FLU - as tekt5 indicated, you will have to hold select.

As to the original question, I think we will just have to wait and see. Hopefully craigix will be getting one soon and he'll tell us all the details :D
I think there is a similar mod for the flu that is done through hardware. My guess it that it will be done by the hardware itself and not the firmware. That is just a guess though because no one on here has a blu to coment on yet.