Gp2xmb R08 Released


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Mikael Ganehag Brorsson updated his PSP-like Cross-Bar Launcher to release 08.


Unfortunately, he hasn't updated his site about what's new, but I'm sure he'll do that later :)
If you want to know more about it or help him out, go and visit his homepage.

Download: gp2xmb r08
Changed the appearance op the popup-menu.
Some performance enchantments.
Changed the appearance of the loading spinner.
Made it harder to spot the gradient banding in the background.
Added an about text: [About GP2XMB], under [System Settings].
[USB Connection] should not corrupt the files anymore, but there is still one issue (see the notice bellow).
Made the photo browser threaded.
A popup-menu which allows for deletion of shortcuts has been added to [My Shortcuts].

Fixes a few bugs, too.
thuogh i don't like the idea of ripping off the sytle of sony menus there does seem to have been a fair amount of work put into this so i am definitely going to give it a try. plus since open2x will use this by default figure ill see how it fits the gp2x before open2x firmware comes out and i'll be able to make an informed decision whether to stick with this or go back to gmenu2x.
Surely, if the "Sony Style" menu is a good one, what difference does it make which behemoth it was created by???

BTW. Does this work on FW3?
Kagey said:
Surely, if the "Sony Style" menu is a good one, what difference does it make which behemoth it was created by???

BTW. Does this work on FW3?
But is it a "good one" for everyone? Sure it looks nice but it is rather cumbersome if you have alot of apps to scroll through. It seems it's main draw is that it looks like a PSP menu.
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DaveC said:
Kagey said:
Surely, if the "Sony Style" menu is a good one, what difference does it make which behemoth it was created by???

BTW. Does this work on FW3?
But is it a "good one" for everyone? Sure it looks nice but it is rather cumbersome if you have alot of apps to scroll through. It seems it's main draw is that it looks like a PSP menu.

You repeatedly expressed this opinion of yours in every single GP2XMB thread. Just like GMenu2x, it is an optional frontend. Orkie even said that the Open2x firmware will come in two flavours, both GP2XMB and GMenu2x. What seems to be your problem?
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Alex. said:
You repeatedly expressed this opinion of yours in every single GP2XMB thread. Just like GMenu2x, it is an optional frontend. Orkie even said that the Open2x firmware will come in two flavours, both GP2XMB and GMenu2x. What seems to be your problem?
He doesn't like it, doesn't think other people should, and so is sulking because he is being ignored, not getting his own way :rolleyes: .
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synkro said:
Jesus fucking Christ. When do you poeple finally learn that DaveC just sucks cocks?!
you shouldn't let envy rear its ugly head
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synkro said:
Jesus fucking Christ. When do you poeple finally learn that DaveC just sucks cocks?!
STFU, dickhead.
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With replies like these to peoples posts i'm surprised that anyone bothers to develop for the 2x anymore, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, DaveC merely observed that it could be cumbersome to scroll through the menu if you have multiple apps. thats no reason to be insulting and vulgar towards him.

These boards don't need people who freely use that type of language, I thought these posts were being moderated by someone??

I personally like the PSP menu system and will install this on my 2x, if I dont like it I will go back to what i'm comfortable with, and in the process not insult someone who was sharing his oppinion.
azurege said:
DaveC merely observed that it could be cumbersome to scroll through the menu if you have multiple apps.

DaveC is 'observing' a little too much for some people here, so they sometime loose their temper :)
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This looks pretty good with lots of style. Who all is using this and what do you think about it?Should I switch over from Gmenu2x?
Shifty said:
This looks pretty good with lots of style. Who all is using this and what do you think about it?Should I switch over from Gmenu2x?
Depends if you like the PSP menu and if you have alot of apps or not. If you don't have many then you may want to try it. If you do have alot of stuff it will take longer to get to what you want as you have to scroll one icon at a time. In that case you may want to keep Gmenu.
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DaveC said:
Depends if you like the PSP menu and if you have alot of apps or not. If you don't have many then you may want to try it. If you do have alot of stuff it will take longer to get to what you want as you have to scroll one icon at a time. In that case you may want to keep Gmenu.

Personally I prefer losing 3s in finding my game, and having a beautiful GUI :) The best he should do is try, it doesn't take long ;)
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