Gp2xmb R07 Released


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Mikael Ganehag Brorsson just released a new version of his PSP-like launcher.


(Note: Picture is from an old version)

New stuff:
* Added a gradient to the background.
* Added a sound intro during the loading sequence.
* Unselected items are now smaller than the selected one.
* Plenty of code improvements.
* GP2XMB has gone through some major visual changes. This release does not incorporate any new features other than new visual effects.

Download: GP2XMB r07
It looks beautiful now! Greetings to Mikael Ganehag Brorsson

Don't forget to delete old configuration file otherwise it won't look as it should be.

One suggestion: A background music would be even cooler! B)
Background gradient sure looks cool, but in this first version it looks ugly, except for dark colors :(
I think Ryo used some 'filters' to avoid bad gradient effects in Gmenu!

Looking forward to see Open2x with built-in GP2XMB ;)
reiboul said:
Background gradient sure looks cool, but in this first version it looks ugly, except for dark colors :(
I think Ryo used some 'filters' to avoid bad gradient effects in Gmenu!

Looking forward to see Open2x with built-in GP2XMB ;)
No, he just use more 16bit compatible pictures ;) Often, the users (and devs) don't know, that the GP2X only can handle 16-bit-color-gfx so smooth 32bit gradients will never work on GP2X. They must be optimized in 16bit or other tricks. ;) Liquido-Skin for Gmenu2x has smooth gradient shades, even in 16bit. So we can see it's possible.
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Shadowsithe said:
I notice the music player can't seem to recognize any of my MP3s.
actualy the build in player only support ogg files
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We were looking at the code in the IRC channel last night and MP3 playback works, but it is disabled in the source for some reason. If you rename your mp3s to ogg, it may work, or it may be coded to try and play it as ogg, I'm not sure.
all i get is a black screen...i got the earlier version to work, but this 1 has my 3 brain cells burnt out....can some post a guide for the village idiots like me...thanks..
Does anyone know how to add Shortcuts?
That's the only reason I still use GMenu2X....
Fatdad: Make sure you delete everything r05 off your SD card first. It needs to be a clean install, or you'll get very erratic results, as I found.

Polygon: Navigate to the program you want to make a shortcut of and press "Y". It'll ask if you're sure. Afterwards, hit "X" to confirm regardless of which control scheme you have set.
Maybe this would be more functional if instead of using "SD Card" under every menu it were to read from a specified folder. For example, the music area would go to the "Music" folder on the root of the SD folder (or changeable by config file..). Video Player could show "Vids" folder, etc.

This probably veers from the original premise of the menu, but it seems like it would make more sense, since most of us only run our GP2Xs w/ stuff from our SD cards. Just an idea.
Beautiful work! Just a couple small questions:

Is there a way to assign your own images for the Shortcut boxes? Right now, it is just a generic gears image if there is no icon.

Also, can this be installed into NAND and conifgured to start with an autorun.gpu?
Robotube said:
Beautiful work! Just a couple small questions:

Is there a way to assign your own images for the Shortcut boxes? Right now, it is just a generic gears image if there is no icon.

Also, can this be installed into NAND and conifgured to start with an autorun.gpu?
the last 1 worked from nand, so i guess this will...when i get it
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gp2xmb still lacks a speed selector for applications :unsure: but I really like the look of the latest version ;)
I'm having trouble launching PrBoom. Could somebody please try it on the official firmware and see if it's a GP2XMB bug or an Open2x bug?
Orkie said:
I'm having trouble launching PrBoom. Could somebody please try it on the official firmware and see if it's a GP2XMB bug or an Open2x bug?
Looks OK for me, with both official firmware, and GP2XMB
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Everything looks to be in order, but two things of note

1) Gp2xmb's photo viewer does not pick up .png files, which is anoying
2) Changing the start up and outro music is rather fiddly.