Mikael Ganehag Brorsson just released a new version of his PSP-like launcher.
(Note: Picture is from an old version)
New stuff:
* Added a gradient to the background.
* Added a sound intro during the loading sequence.
* Unselected items are now smaller than the selected one.
* Plenty of code improvements.
* GP2XMB has gone through some major visual changes. This release does not incorporate any new features other than new visual effects.
Download: GP2XMB r07
Homepage: http://home.gna.org/gp2xmb/

(Note: Picture is from an old version)
New stuff:
* Added a gradient to the background.
* Added a sound intro during the loading sequence.
* Unselected items are now smaller than the selected one.
* Plenty of code improvements.
* GP2XMB has gone through some major visual changes. This release does not incorporate any new features other than new visual effects.
Download: GP2XMB r07
Homepage: http://home.gna.org/gp2xmb/