Gp2xhandy - Atari Lynx Emu


Certified Guru
Nov 1, 2002

I've ported my complete source code to the gp2x :)

a little benchmark with chip's challenge:
GP32 (156mhz, frameskip 2, no sound):
GP2X (frameskip 2, no sound):

A lot more games are now playable with sound :-) But not all run in full speed yet.

here is the link:
Any reason on earth why I should get a black screen? :)

edit: added smile that question sounded too harsh
hm, i'm sad :(

the emulator looks so good, i tried it with a few games, especially california games, and it's almost unplayable because of that shitty joypad :angry:

i now compared it directly to the GP32 and the new PSP lynx emulator, then compared the C64 emus and a few others and i have to say that the GP2X is pretty unusable.

in california games bmx part, it's nearly impossible to drive just straight forward, because you always move up or down accidentally.
with a normal d-pad it is impossible to move up or down by pressing forward (or pressing right).
i now think, the only really solution will be a hardware mod :(
hm, i'm sad :(

the emulator looks so good, i tried it with a few games, especially california games, and it's almost unplayable because of that shitty joypad :angry:

i now compared it directly to the GP32 and the new PSP lynx emulator, then compared the C64 emus and a few others and i have to say that the GP2X is pretty unusable.

in california games bmx part, it's nearly impossible to drive just straight forward, because you always move up or down accidentally.
with a normal d-pad it is impossible to move up or down by pressing forward (or pressing right).
i now think, the only really solution will be a hardware mod :(

Maybe (probably) he is not using a case 2 config. If he used that it would be better.

Tuskenraider, Could you implement the case 2 type control (chart in my sig) that would improve the control, Thanks.
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OMG this runs good, too fast with the clock turned up, great work.

My only suggestions make the fonts a little bigger and more readable in the menus.

Otherwise awesome job.
Very VERY nice!

Tip: To enable sound w/o having to keep changing it in the menu, just alter the autorun.txt file:


* I also turned off the FPS indicator; 0=off, 1=on
I can get it to run but then it  says no roms found press start to exit.

My roms end with  .lnx

they work w/ the other Handy Emu for the GP2X.

Any tips!?!?

What is your file structure set up as? Also, are you sure you have the correct lynxboot.img file? I got the same message after seeing a brief message stating "cannot find lynxboot.img" ... I forgot to put it in the handygp2x folder, where the roms go ...
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Is a blank black screen related to a bad lynxboot.img? Ive tried 2 and both times i select the .gpe file it goes to a black screen. My roms are .zips if that means anything.