
5/ no frameskip yet

And I don't have any problems with the rom selector. The selector moves down one line when i press the stick down.
Is anyone else having issues with the sound being a little out of sync with the gameplay? All of the roms I have tried are having this issue even at 200mhz.
chris_r posted on Dec 19 2005 at 02:23 AM said:
5/ no frameskip yet

And I don't have any problems with the rom selector. The selector moves down one line when i press the stick down.

yeah my issue with the rom selector is, that it is actually too slow :lol:

I have 100MB roms packed on my sd card... I should sort the roms I guess -you can have a "favorite" folder in the pcengine dir anyways :)

@jarn: no sound issues so far
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Air zonk runs slow and the background flickers. This emu, when it comes to completeness and playability, sits right in-between DrMD and NK's series of emus. Let's see if anyone can take the honor of being the best emulator for GP2x, which DrMD owns at the moment. :)
chris_r posted on Dec 19 2005 at 01:23 AM said:
And I don't have any problems with the rom selector. The selector moves down one line when i press the stick down.

strange, when I moves the joystick down one nanosecond, the selector moves 5 lines away :o
what could make that difference between us ?? the firmware? i have 1.0 :huh:

by the way for the frameskip, it's PCengine ! so it should not need any frameskip, and be smooth at 133Mhz or less once optimized ;) (i don't know exactly what speed i was using on my GP32? but i couldn't reach 166 so it was necessary UNDER ;) )
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nik166, it most likely is the firmware. Mine is updated, and has no issues with the menu. Much thanks to the coder. I would give one of my thumbs to be able to play Castlevania Rondo of Blood on the gp2x one day. Then i'd play it with one thumb :)
WOW! I just had the blast of my life, well actually almost :D


get that game and play, it's incredible, while not too hard(you get lots of extra lifes) it's just plain fun. I just finished it on the first try(alltough it was really close sometimes). However, if you start the game, make sure that you have at least 2 hours time and full batteries since the pc engine emu doesn't support save states yet.

For a nice review of the game visit: This Link.

My rating: 9.5/10 -allmost as good as gradius :D

Edit: Oh it runs with sound, without any glitches or bugs and most of the time at a nice speed, sometimes however you get slowdowns(when about 1 million moving things are on the screen) -but I am not quite sure if those slowdowns wheren't happening on the pc engine itself too...
Pretty good for a first release. The compatibility is good, I tried a few of my favourites, and only Darius Alpha didn't work.

The only problem is the speed of it. Seems an odd choice giving you the option to underclock the processor when it didn't run a single game I tried at full speed. Annoyingly, 200Mhz gives me the stupid diagonal lines on my GP2X, so I'm a bit stuck at the moment since it overrides changes made with the overclocking utility.

Ah well, I'll be looking forward to the next release!

Nice choice in games by the way Mr. Anderson, it's rare to find and appreciator of the older Irem stuff apart from R-Type. I think you've pretty much listed the "What's What" of PC Engine shooters right there! Have you ever tried Soldier Blade?
Soldierblade! Of course! How could I've missed it???

I also made a collage of some screenshots of the game some time ago(however I seem to miss the rom right now... 300 of em but sblade is missing), oh wait here it is:


also aldynes, which isn't working right now :/


The Pc Engine was incredible at pulling out sprites, some games like aldynes and soldierblaed even overshadowed most of the 16bit Megadrive and SNES shooters :)
Soldier Blade/Blazing Lazers/Final Soldier are some of the finest shooters of all time.

R-Type and Wonder Boy in Monsterland work very well @ 200MHz.

Suggestions: Savestates for games and particularly the Neuopia RPGs cos passwords bite.
Also I would kill for CD support for Dracula X: Rondo of Blood. :)

It loads the CD-ROM support Hu-Card rom just fine so I have hopes for it. :D
gp32animefreak posted on Dec 19 2005 at 04:59 AM said:
bomber man = ownage

tested Bomberman 93 and Bomberman 94 - they work great and with 100% speed. But since those games are pretty big to play at once I am waiting for savestate support there.

Watto said:
Will there be zip support in the future ? Hope so as room on my 1 Gig card is precious.

I guess so, but I think savestates should be first priority. If the roms waste 60MB or 98MB(for me and my 300 roms) isn't really that important...
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nice emulator....just hope it gets running full speed soon, or has an option to overclock the cpu more than 200mhz.
Finally tried Soldierblade! It runs quite well(I played without any noticable problems until the battery died somewhere in the 5th stage), some minor glitches and your laser weapon looks broken(you can't see all three lasers at once but they are still all damaging the enemy) but it's working pretty nice right now :D

Also played the first few levels of Super Star Soldier, another remarkable shooter by Hudson(it's the prequell to soldier blade afaik):


It also works pretty sweet at a great speed(by the fluently gameplay without any slowdown I would say it runs in realtime @200mhz :D) and with some minor glitches. That Emu really turns your gp2x into a badass Arcade Machine like the PC Engine was :D
I noticed that while it seems to play smoother, games actually run slower than on the GP32 .. of note: Deil's Crush and Magcal Chase. Even at 200mhz, they run a bit slow.
TelcoLou posted on Dec 19 2005 at 09:16 PM said:
I noticed that while it seems to play smoother, games actually run slower than on the GP32 .. of note: Deil's Crush and Magcal Chase. Even at 200mhz, they run a bit slow.
I suppose there wasn't any sort of PAL/NTSC-like difference between JPN and US to explain that...
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Mr. Anderson posted on Dec 19 2005 at 01:11 PM said:
tested Bomberman 93 and Bomberman 94 - they work great and with 100% speed. But since those games are pretty big to play at once I am waiting for savestate support there.

Well generally you are right, savestates would rock. But at least Bomberman94 has a really well working level-code system you can use to avoid playing it all at once.
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