Release [GP2X] Roswyn & The Dragons


Very Active Member
Nov 30, 2007
Roswyn and The Dragons is an exciting Action-RPG game (with direct combat). As Roswyn, your goal (you don't know exactly why, but it's not important :) ) will be to defeat the 9 dragons to save the world (once again...).

In your quest, you'll travel through 500 levels(screens) including plains, marshes, dungeons, caves, mountains and much more. You'll get more and more powerful by finding new heart-pieces, or by upgrading your sword to crush pots and rocks or even throw fireballs !!

The dungeons are also tricky because the dragons had nothing more to do than to lock themselves behind multiple doors and to hide the keys and the switches everywhere !!! (They must have been really bored... :) ).

So be ready for this adventure of 8+ hours, with a possibility of saving anytime by speaking to kind villagers... Have fun !

The game was created by Jeremie F. BELLANGER and released with CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 license. (See here)

You can download the GP2X version here.

Original resolution is 420x460 so everything looks squished on GP2X.
Also, I converted the music from mp3 to ogg, but it shouldn't be noticable.

Stick - move
A - 1 / action
Y - 2 / action
B - 3 / action
X - enter / action
Start - pause
Select - quit
Vol+/Vol- - change volume

The source code is inside the zip and on GitHub.
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Thanks for this M-HT. Unfortunately it is unplayable on my GP2X. When I start a game, the title screen remains as the background (but flickering), and walking around seems to cause a trail of corruption (see pic). I am on firmware v2.1.1, and your other other releases have worked fine on this firmware. Cheers.

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That looks as if the tiles weren't loaded.

Can you put the file from attachment into the game's directory, rename it to roswyn-test.gpe and run the game with this file (not just the into menu, but choose play in the menu) ?
It should create two files - stdout.txt and stderr.txt - can you post them ?


Thanks for responding M-HT. Looks like you're right, the tiles are failing to load. Cheers.
Can you unpack the attachment into the game's directory a try if it fixes the problem ?

Will this work on the caanoo?
Not directly. This release is only for GP2X, not for Wiz or Caanoo.
But it shouldn't be difficult to port it to Wiz/Caanoo. Preferably by someone who owns a Wiz/Caanoo (I don't).

Edit: removed attachment
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Can you unpack the attachment into the game's directory a try if it fixes the problem ?

If fixes the first screen, but when you leave via the door at bottom, you appear at the top. The village tiles fail to load (see log). Cheers.



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Thanks a lot M-HT, it's now working fine. I tested it as thoroughly as I could, well I reached the first dragon before being fried by a fireball. Nice game and music track. Works fine underclocked too. I'm running it at 150mhz with fast ram timings. Just out of interest, did you test the original release on your GP2X, and if so what firmware did it work on?
Thanks very much for sorting it out.


Just out of interest, did you test the original release on your GP2X, and if so what firmware did it work on?
Yes, I did test it. I'm using firmware version 3.0.0.

I updated the resource with the fix (I also forgot to put the sources into the zip in the first version).