Roswyn & The Dragons [New Ported Game]


Very Active Member
Nov 30, 2007

here is my second entry in the competition in the category New Ported Game - Roswyn & The Dragons.

Roswyn and The Dragons is an Action-RPG game. As Roswyn, your goal (you don't know exactly why, but it's not important :) ) will be to defeat the 9 dragons to save the world (once again...).

The source code is inside the PND.



The source code is available on GitHub.
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I don't know where you have found this game...seems disappeared from internet.

I have found an interview (french only ) where the author talks about his works, and talk also about this game....but i don't have completely understand why he removed this from the net.

Interview is here

Thanks for the port i'm downloading now.
I don't know where you have found this game...seems disappeared from internet.

I have found an interview (french only ) where the author talks about his works, and talk also about this game....but i don't have completely understand why he removed this from the net.

Interview is here

Thanks for the port i'm downloading now.
It's written

J’ai recommencé à créer des jeux PC en tant qu’indépendant, il y a 2 ans et demi, bientôt 3, et depuis j’enchaîne les projets : il y a eu Roswyn & The Dragons, un Action-RPG qui n’est plus disponible, à cause de quelques soucis de collision (mais il proposait quand même 6-8h de jeu avec ses 999 niveaux ;) )

That mean (rough translation):

I started creating PC Games as an independant programmer, 2 years and half ago, almost 3, and since then I have made many projects: Roswyn & The Dragons, an Action-RPG that is not available anymore due to some collisions issues (but that proposed somthing like 6 to 8h of gameplay with its 999 levels ;) )
You translated it to English, but I still don't know what soucis de collision is supposed to mean. I understand the words, but not what they are supposed to say.
You translated it to English, but I still don't know what soucis de collision is supposed to mean. I understand the words, but not what they are supposed to say.
I suppose the collision function (that is, how to detect a character is walking on a tree for example) has some flaws somewhere, and he remove the game while looking for a fix, and never fixed it because he started other projects... Just a wild guess
Ah, that is an explanation. I briefly thought of a problem with the collision detecting function but then could think of no reason to take a game offline for a long period of time when there is a bug in it which still leaves it in a very playable state.

I tried to Play the game,but when i killed the 1st Dragon,he Returns  again.I also cannot find another Dragon :(

And there seems to be no weapons shop......Maybe someone can help

greetings Walter
Killed dragon returns only if you start a new game.

The way to the 2nd dragon is blocked until you kill the 1st dragon. The same goes for the other dragons.

Did you at least find a second village?

There is no weapons shop. You can only buy potions or pay for healing.

Your weapon gets upgraded when you kill the 3rd, 5th and 7th dragon.