Gp2x Pixel Thing

I've seen the cool pixelated videogame consoles some people around here use in their sigs, and noticed there wasn't one of the GP2X (if there is, I somehow managed to miss it). So, I decided to create one myself :) If anyone would like to see it, it's here:

If you'd like to use it in your sig, by all means go ahead. No need to give me credit or anything. Just please don't pass it along claiming it was you who made it.
There are a lot of them floating around, but this is a good one, no doubt.

It has a lot more detail than most.
Ouch, but with only 32 pixels it'd lose so much detail >_< I'll try to see if I can do it though. Maybe tomorrow, 'cause it's late now.

Thanks for the nice words :)
Godmil posted on May 28 2006 at 12:40 PM said:
Where did everyone get the original pics?
I found the one I used for reference doing a quick Google image search.
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Godmil posted on May 28 2006 at 03:40 PM said:
Where did everyone get the original pics?

Well I know where I got mine from. As I did the ones I use in my sig myself. I am a big fan of pixel art. I also did this gp2x one... The isometric nes is also my doing. And I see people are also using the Nintendo DS icon I did.

For the console icons I did, I was inspired by this work:

There's tons of people who have created similar icons, hey there's only so much you can do in a 32x32 pixel square. I also got inspired by a Japanese fellow who did quite a few isometric pixel art console icons, but I cannot find a link anymore.

This is some of the pixel stuff I do, most of it in 32x32 pixel matrix:








Ps. my apologies for this heavy graphics-loaded post.
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