I'm not getting one until the problems are sorted. I do want a GP2x, but i refuse to buy a new handheld that requires amounts of DIY just to make it do what it's supposed to.
Also, the joystick concern. I thought it was the deadzone that was the problem, that moving it small degrees in a direction wouldn't register, requiring the stick to be moved to it's extremes (and thus ruining the experience of any fast reaction game)... so how would a new cup fix this? Isn't this a problem with the contacts of the joystick, rather than what we put our thumb on?
I am not some anti GPH person before i get flamed. I've been here a while, and i really REALLY would love to buy a GP2x, but i'm not a DIY person. I can't solder, i don't want to disect a joystick, and i'm scared of firmware updates because i'm that "lucky" kinda guy who will end up bricking his handheld, on something silly or mundane.
I do however have alot of respect for the people who own and support the GP2x. I'm near OCD with my handhelds/consoles, and a slight fault gets me so riled, that i end up hiding the items away, so i never see the faults.