Gp2x Is Highly Overrated,imo

Flavor posted on Feb 6 2006 at 09:37 PM said:
GpDogg posted on Feb 6 2006 at 08:31 PM said:
i havent shown tilematch to my wife yet. Shes pretty occupied with solitaire on my PC!!! Its strange to think that i bought a £800 deck of cards... but to each their own!! ;)
Yeah, it seems easier to pull them away from Solitaire. If you like using your PC, either get another PC or never show her Zuma. :)

Getting a new machine to play cards is cheap, monitor £15, box £25, keyboard and mouse £10. Total cost around £50 then. Just slap Ubuntu on it so its difficult for the wife/gf to break it then stick Firefox, E-Mail, Gaim, Games etc and you have basically freed a £1k+ box for yourself and got into the others good book by showing you 'care for them' enough to buy them their own PC.
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TelcoLou posted on Feb 6 2006 at 07:35 PM said:
robox posted on Feb 6 2006 at 02:21 PM said:
Wow talk about denial, i mean come on guys the gp2x has more  faults than something built by monkeys, i for one is staying well away from it until gamepark holdings get thier act together and sort out the biuld/firmware issues. Looking at the current state of things u might aswell get a soldering iron, some chips, resistors and curciut boards and biuld your own. I am not spending £100+ on something half baked which  needs pacthing just to be able to perform  it's primary functions properly and runs risk of becoming a very expensive brick after each firmware upgrade.
  I think criag  needs to have some strong words with gamepark because people are parting with thier money  in return for what  seems to be a flashy turds.
And yes people need to face the facts at the current state the gp2x is in, it's not worth the £100+ you a paying for it.

You can flame me all you want, but just remember this post when you are looking at an expensive brick.  :P  B)

No flame .. just pointing out this bit:

"i for one is staying well away from it until gamepark holdings get thier act together and sort out the biuld/firmware issues."

So you don't even own one yourself, eh? :lol:

Note: I woud't fling the word "monkeys" around as an insult .... just look at your simian grammar and spelling. :lol:

Thanks for bringing up my ape/monkey like spelling. I think most of the grammar and spelling mistakes are corrected now.
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Vimacs posted on Feb 6 2006 at 05:55 PM said:
its not like noone told you about the issues.
the scanlines can be helped with the lcd tweaker, the stick sucks, but you have to get used to it.

You don't have to get used to the crappy stick, DaveC's capmod is an oustanding "workaround" to this problem, hope he still makes them. ;I
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Just recieved ane email from, here is what they had to say

Quote: Current known problems:

On some units the case can be too tightly sealed, just loosen the screws slightly, signs
of this are screen ghosting when using the joypad.

Joystick may have trouble going left, just slightly unscrew the joypad top (just turn it).

These only effect a tiny amount of units, but we thought we had better mention it. Unquote

my Joypad doesn`t unscrew,does yours ?
Deserthamster posted on Feb 6 2006 at 09:55 PM said:
Just recieved ane email from, here is what they had to say

Quote: Current known problems:

On some units the case can be too tightly sealed, just loosen the screws slightly, signs
of this are screen ghosting when using the joypad.

Joystick may have trouble going left, just slightly unscrew the joypad top (just turn it).

These only effect a tiny amount of units, but we thought we had better mention it. Unquote

my Joypad doesn`t unscrew,does yours ?

No, There is no screw thread on the stick`s stem, It`s just a figure of speech. Just hold the stick cap with your fingers and turn and pull the cap up a little (enough to stop it bottoming out on the GP2x`s casing).

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Am I the only one who doesn't see scanlines? The screen looks perfect to me, movies emulators games whatever look great on it. Also, the joystick may be a bit difficult but I can play all the games I put on it so far with it, it is a bit uncomfortable but I am looking for something to mod it with just haven't found the right thing so far. DaveC's cap is fine for some people but it's not really what I'm looking for.
Most people can see the scanlines, some can't. Some even feel nauseous. That's just the way your brain works, I expect. Although we've seen some strange things with the 2X (someone said his worked without a power source), so you may be lucky to have no scanlines.

Actually, what firmware are you using? I think 1.1.0 added scanlines, or something.
I'm using 1.1.0 at the moment, screen looks fine to me.
I can tell you for a fact that a few ppl i know would have brought one but didn't after playing it on mine when I had the bad stick. Even with Dave's stick people complain about it.

I'm sure that a lot of units will not be sold because of the crappy stick, interlaced and scan line display.

And it's ironic, because these were the two things to be discussed as better then the PSP even after people had gotten their GP2Xs. It took a long time for people to admit this. Some people still dont admit it, so lucky them.
yes i agree with stick. But its better than psp stick! imagine those awful dpads for streefighter!!! Id hate that.

The gp2x stick is GREAT for streetfighter! but its not so great for precise control of say menus etc. One day the gp2x will be amazing!

You know whats funny. I bought a deck of cards for my wife, she doesnt play with THOSE OH NO!!! My pc is really poweful for me, an amd 64 3700 1512gb memory and an ati radeon 9800xt 256mb card... i got doom 3, quake 4, fear, toca race driver 2, rollercoaster tycoon 2, battlefield 2, battle for middle earth, half life 2, LOADS of other games like n64 and all that and by loads i mean LOADS... yet still, spider solitaire every flipping day!

Oh, and get this, how can she crash the pc playing solitaire?!?!?! BAFFLES ME!
nickspoon posted on Feb 6 2006 at 11:05 PM said:
Most people can see the scanlines, some can't. Some even feel nauseous. That's just the way your brain works, I expect. Although we've seen some strange things with the 2X (someone said his worked without a power source), so you may be lucky to have no scanlines.

Actually, what firmware are you using? I think 1.1.0 added scanlines, or something.

Hope mine works like that thought then again that would probably mean insanity :blink: .
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Geez, I had when people expect perfection on everything. My borther was like cool, you can play playstation games! and I showed it to him and he said Get this away from me! when I showed it to him. I've been playing Castlevania SOTN and Megaman X4 all week now, and I still think it's awesome at like 4 fps! I even beat the first level in Mega Man X4.
I dont understand how they even managed to release it in its original state for sale at all. Did they not even test it once to find out the joystick was useless, screen had lines on it and the batteries lasted about 5 seconds (bit longer perhaps). I would really love to buy one for neogeo stuff but its just the issues I have desribed that put me off.

I understand that the joystick is just some off the shelf thing soldered into their board. Are there other ones out there which could potentially work? I know this would mean desoldering the current one and soldering in the new one but where I work has a pcb production plant so thats a simple thing for them to do!
mrpig posted on Feb 7 2006 at 11:06 AM said:
I dont understand how they even managed to release it in its original state for sale at all. Did they not even test it once to find out the joystick was useless, screen had lines on it and the batteries lasted about 5 seconds (bit longer perhaps). I would really love to buy one for neogeo stuff but its just the issues I have desribed that put me off.

I understand that the joystick is just some off the shelf thing soldered into their board. Are there other ones out there which could potentially work? I know this would mean desoldering the current one and soldering in the new one but where I work has a pcb production plant so thats a simple thing for them to do!

lol, yeah. That's the risk with using AA batteries in a product. Normal ppl will just get batteries from their local store and they will last 15 minutes, and they will be like wtf. I get about 4 hours from my energisers, down to 2 hours when I overclock.
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I have just been thinking of how amazing the stick was on my old ngpc. Now if you could get one of them into a gp2x but stiffened up slightly I would buy one right now. Maybe I need to get a ngpc off ebay, open it up and then find a post I saw on here before which showed the gp2x's stick and invent some magical way it could be soldered in heh
I got mine this (yesterday?) morning, and I have to say I'm very happy with it. The stick isn't even that bad (perhaps I'm just lucky, perhaps it will wear out), and the other problems ppl mention I haven't expierienced. My "Hello World" even worked on the 3rd attempt! :D

The only gripe I have is that the placement of the power socket makes it impossible to play while using mains power, whenever it gets a nudge the gp2x reboots :(

Personally I'd like to see one of those IBM laptop thumb-sticks, the ones they stick in the middle of the keyboards, as the joystick. They are designed to emulate a mouse and I think they could serve as a good analog stick too. Of course that will never happen, but perhaps for the gp3x?
Btw, I got mine tonight, and I was impressed - mostly because I had read all of the bad ratings. So FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
