infos gathered from
I can't say that this info is 100% legitimate, as it is based off people's first hand experience with the console, but there seems to be alot of hardware issues rising amongst the first batch buyers in Korea.
Majority of people complained about this already-well-known battery problem, which seems to last not much more than 2 hours.
There seemed to be an issue with Stereo jack which sinks in because of bad soldering, and also people are reporting that practically no video is playable without capping for it - there are reports of Xvid playing too fast, and divx sound not in sync with video.
Also GP2X seemed to be made with cheap parts that are easily breakable, as stated from a source I cannot specify. It claims that most of the soldering on GP2X are rushed and/or poorly done, and many of its parts are more or less in a poor quality.
The machine itself does not seem to be government approved either. GP2X has not taken on a vertification process that is required for all electorical devices in Korea before going retail. This can lead to some serious legal problem for GH.
Hopefully these will be an issue that can be solved without drastic changes.
I can't say that this info is 100% legitimate, as it is based off people's first hand experience with the console, but there seems to be alot of hardware issues rising amongst the first batch buyers in Korea.
Majority of people complained about this already-well-known battery problem, which seems to last not much more than 2 hours.
There seemed to be an issue with Stereo jack which sinks in because of bad soldering, and also people are reporting that practically no video is playable without capping for it - there are reports of Xvid playing too fast, and divx sound not in sync with video.
Also GP2X seemed to be made with cheap parts that are easily breakable, as stated from a source I cannot specify. It claims that most of the soldering on GP2X are rushed and/or poorly done, and many of its parts are more or less in a poor quality.
The machine itself does not seem to be government approved either. GP2X has not taken on a vertification process that is required for all electorical devices in Korea before going retail. This can lead to some serious legal problem for GH.
Hopefully these will be an issue that can be solved without drastic changes.