Gp2x Compared To Psp (n64)


Still Fresh
Sep 2, 2007
How powerful is gp2x's graphics capability compared to the psp's? Because I recently found out about daedalus a n64 emulator that runs n64 games at pretty decent speeds without frameskip.
Thats because the PSP has 3D hardware, a faster processor, and theat processor happens to be the same architecture as the n64's
gp2x has more computing power (better architecture - ARM vs. MIPS) but that;s all. PSP has VFPU, 3D hardware as well and is a LOT better designed in terms of hardware efficiency.
DJ Amireh said:
So the gp2x's graphic capabilities (3d wise anyway) aren't as good as psp's?
GP2x is weak in anything that requires floating point math or 3D graphics. The craiginator will, however, kick the PSP's ass.
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messiah said:
gp2x has more computing power (better architecture - ARM vs. MIPS) but that;s all. PSP has VFPU, 3D hardware as well and is a LOT better designed in terms of hardware efficiency.
Don't tell people that, it's not true at all. The part about GP2X having more computing power, I mean.
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From my experience with the GP2X, it never was meant to be a serious competitor to the PSP.

The PSP is about Sony, commercial games, and hacking the firmware to get homebrew going. The GP2X is about users creating the content and supporting the console.

Which one you buy and use depends on what you want out of the console.