Gp Quake


Sep 24, 2003
Wow... Not having played Quake at all before I have to say I'm blown away!!!

It surely has to be more than 5-6 fps though as it runs so smoothly...

I think I've got the full version ... is it just 2 .PAK files? or should there be more (i.e. have I got the full or the shareware version)...

I've been trying to buy the full version off of ebay for a couple of weeks now, keep being outbid!!!

Does anyone know if Chatboard support is being worked on for this, as I'd love to be able to swim, etc...

Most of this has been asked before I'm sure...

But some of the new comers here probably aren't even aware that GPQuake exists in a playable form...

Wow... Not having played Quake at all before I have to say I'm blown away!!!

It surely has to be more than 5-6 fps though as it runs so smoothly...

I think I've got the full version ... is it just 2 .PAK files? or should there be more (i.e. have I got the full or the shareware version)...

I've been trying to buy the full version off of ebay for a couple of weeks now, keep being outbid!!!

Does anyone know if Chatboard support is being worked on for this, as I'd love to be able to swim, etc...

Most of this has been asked before I'm sure...

But some of the new comers here probably aren't even aware that GPQuake exists in a playable form...


It does have chatboard support. Not sure what the use of it is though.
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Wow... Not having played Quake at all before I have to say I'm blown away!!!

It surely has to be more than 5-6 fps though as it runs so smoothly...

I think I've got the full version ... is it just 2 .PAK files? or should there be more (i.e. have I got the full or the shareware version)...

I've been trying to buy the full version off of ebay for a couple of weeks now, keep being outbid!!!

Does anyone know if Chatboard support is being worked on for this, as I'd love to be able to swim, etc...

Most of this has been asked before I'm sure...

But some of the new comers here probably aren't even aware that GPQuake exists in a playable form...

If you've got pak0.pak and pak1.pak then you've got the full version (pak0.pak on it's own is the shareware version). Are you sure you're running the latest release? (0.4, available from ). That includes an fps display and full chatboard support (useable in both console and game).
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Chatboard support has already beem implimented.
And are you running the latest version? you should have a FPS counter option
turn it on to see your actually gettin 12-20 frames on high detail , and 12-22 on low
ya, chatboard works, and so doo some mods.
If the folder is around 60 megs with the 2 pak files, then you have the whole game
anymore questions, ask away!
I know all lol


damn they beat me to it...
Hey woogal, any info you could let slide on the next version???
maybe a date??
Im uber curious
Also curious and looking foward to a fix to the save game bug so I can get down to some serious quaking
Thanks for the answers all.. I hadn't turned on the fps counter, was just going by the readme, and having read it again now realise I've got the full version - pak0 and pak1...

Chatboard support - so does that mean I can look around me/swim, as well...

I'll just have to test it out

Im uber curious
Me too :)
this is really nice on my 252mHz FLU, and i would love some sound !!!
My new BLU just arrived at my girlfriends house today. I will see her
tomorrow.... after i tested GPQuake on the BLU, to check the mHz B)

Hey Argon0, did you also try out GPDoom ???
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ya, you can do almost anythin in GPQuake you can in normal quake
unless your trying to develop your own mod, then youll hit problems like me an' SonicNKT

So far I've been able to get to the configuration and change the mapped keys so I can look up and down and swim up and down...

Feels a bit like it must be to play a game on the DS - with two things to look at at once...

I prefer controlling via sticks than kb as kb isn't THAT responsive...

12 FPS is the slowest I've seen so far in very high res... (on 166Mhz BLU).

thinking of making a config file so I can save these...

Ok, heres some info and an update -

First, the chatboard can be used for input during gameplay, but unfortunatly the chatboard only returns key released which means it can't be used for normal movement (ie, you have to keep tapping the button to move forwards) but it is useful for things like switching weapons or taking screenshots.

Second, I hadn't worked on gpquake for several weeks, partly because I had too much other stuff on, and partly because I needed a break. Development resumed a couple of days ago and I've implemented a test double size mode. This means you can drop the screen size down to improve fps, then select double size so it will fill the screen. This has one benefit (much better fps), but several drawbacks (text doesn't always fit on screen (only in game, menu is shown without double size enabled), no status bar shown, display is quite blocky). On the whole though I think it's quite a nice update so I'm going to be leaving it in.
is it possible to edit the .pak files? Since there is no sound, is it possible to take the music and sound effects out of the .pak file so it uses less space on a smc?
Hi woogal, Is there any reason why weapons can not be seen in the main game window like pc quake etc ?. If this has already been answered before ill understand.

Hi woogal, Is there any reason why weapons can not be seen in the main game window like pc quake etc ?. If this has already been answered before ill understand.

It sounds like you're using turbo mode. That will disable anything unnecessary (weapon display, head bobbing etc) to improve fps. Weapons should be displayed if turbo is turned off. If you want you can force weapon display back on again while still keeping the rest of the turbo mode optimisations by creating a file called autoexec.cfg in gpmm\quake\id1 and adding this line -

r_drawviewmodel 1

In a future release I'll improve the launcher to seperate out the turbo mode options for individual selection.
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yeah, you can take sounds and demos out of the PAK files
I did
Lost about 5 megs on PAK 0 , more on PAK 1
you should do that
uhh, theres a progie that lets ya explore PAK files like a rar or zip file, just google for Quake Pak explorer
its a good drop in size when you take out all sounds and the demo files, cause GPQuake dont do Demo's
I suggest ya do it

Hi woogal, Is there any reason why weapons can not be seen in the main game window like pc quake etc ?. If this has already been answered before ill understand.

It sounds like you're using turbo mode. That will disable anything unnecessary (weapon display, head bobbing etc) to improve fps. Weapons should be displayed if turbo is turned off. If you want you can force weapon display back on again while still keeping the rest of the turbo mode optimisations by creating a file called autoexec.cfg in gpmm\quake\id1 and adding this line -

r_drawviewmodel 1

In a future release I'll improve the launcher to seperate out the turbo mode options for individual selection.

Ace woogal `:o`, Here`s me thinking it wasn`t implemented yet. Gonna be playing this a hell of a lot more than i have been doing.

Mmmmmm, Im as happy as a pig in shit :P.

Cheers woogal.

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