Gp Mania #2 - Help Request!


Certified Guru
Staff member
Jan 12, 2004
Salzburg, Austria
Dear GP32 Lovers...

This is a message to the german and english speaking gp32 community :-)

A few of you might already know that there is a german gp32 printmagazin called "GP Mania". There will be a second issue, but we need article writers and game reviewers! This is a hobby magazine only, we do it just for fun, so we can't pay you.

If you have decent german skills and experience in writing articles (matura/abitur in german would be of great advantage) feel free to contact us via this thread. we want to read a sample :-)

We are also looking for people which do a translation of the german text, for giving out a english PDF of the german issue. This requires extremly perfect english/german skills.

If you are interested contact us via EFNET #pdroms and get in touch with "Kojote" or "kedo". Or just append your offer below this thread.

Thanks for reading!
I cant help u but u mean thread not threat :)

Threat is "declaration of an intention or a determination to inflict harm on another; "his threat to kill me was quite explicit"


Or maybe not.. saw someone else write it... is confused now :blink:
I could possibly do it, but I don't know German. (a little Spanish, but no German) Maybe you could have the German to English translator go the other way as well and go from English to German. Another thing is that I don't really care for RPG's, which seems to be a favorite in the comunity, so my general taste in games may be quite a bit different than that of most everyone else.

If you're still interested, PM me. I might be :)
I would be willing to participate, I don't have Abitur yet, but I guess my writing skills are decent enough, heh. Still need to find something to write about though...especially for a sample text you'd want.

thanks for your all youre offers :-)

I would be willing to participate, I don't have Abitur yet, but I guess my writing skills are decent enough, heh. Still need to find something to write about though...especially for a sample text you'd want.

To you and everyone else who will contribute and can write german. Please write some lines of a gp32 game review in german and send it to feedback(at)gpmania(dot)de. The game must be a homebrew game or a commercial one, no rom game review please. We will contact you for further information. thanks :-)