Gmenu2x 0.10-test2 Released


Certified Guru
May 19, 2006
Como (Italy)
Here's a second test release of GMenu2X.

There's not much new in this version but it solves a few issues of the previous test release, like the sistematic crashes occurring when changing clock frequency, and features a reworked virtual keyboard with touchscreen support.


There are some new utf8 characters supported that should provide what's needed for some additional translations. (for skinners: the font has changed so you may need to update your skins)

And there are also some optimizations to the code in various areas.

This should be very close to a final 0.10 release but it has not been tested througly and TS support is not yet complete.

Download here:

Full changelog since 0.9:

New in 0.10
Support for additional utf8 characters
Restructured the virtual keyboard dialog with touchscreen support
New translations: Basque, Catalan, Turkish
Added support for the touchscreen
Added support for f200 battery
Added internal explorer that can launch .gpu .gpe and .sh files
Added graphic indicators for switching sections
Added on screen help (keep pressed A, only on the main screen at the moment)
Cpu clock raised when loading manuals
Added support for bmp and jpg/jpeg files for manuals
Added preview of images when selecting icons
Added option to show the root folder in the selection dialogs
Fixed bug that prevented the use of the custom selected wallpaper on restart
Lots of fixes

Edit: Forgot the link.
Thanks Ryo. I'm able to change the clock speed gmenu2x runs at and bring up manuals without worry of it crashing now. Things seems to run a bit slower now, especially noticeable when the clock speed was set to 100. Overall the stability is great and touchscreen support works well.

There is one things I've wanted changed for a while: If the bottom row is filled with links and I keep pressing down it will only bring me to the most bottom right link and won't scroll back to the top row. If I press up on the top row it brings me back to the bottom row so it would be nice if the bottom row wrapped around the same way.
The slowdown you noticed may be because of the fact that I had to switch to initialize the screen in software instead of in hardware to prevent the crashes.

There's something going wrong when changing the clock speed with hardware surfaces active on the f200 (don't know if it's related to the touchscreen).

jbrodack said:
There is one things I've wanted changed for a while: If the bottom row is filled with links and I keep pressing down it will only bring me to the most bottom right link and won't scroll back to the top row. If I press up on the top row it brings me back to the bottom row so it would be nice if the bottom row wrapped around the same way.
That's strange, it should already behave just like you said. I'll look into it!
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thank you for continuing this project, it's definitely aVERY helpful tool, and i dont know what i'd do with out it

Keep up the goo do work!
Nice work, Ryo. I have loved this program for a while. Not sure if anyone else has this problem, but when I hit select to add links etc. I see the menu pop up for a split second and then immediately disappear. Haven't seen this happen in any previous versions. Also, upon exiting any app or game, instead of defaulting back to Gmenu2x, it just drops back to the main gp2x menu. I'm running an F200 with 4.10. Thanks for the hard work.

p B)

also: Dimmu rocks! I was listening to Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia today at work till my boss came back and said, "Dude... What the f**k?"
when I hit select to add links etc. I see the menu pop up for a split second and then immediately disappear.

I already received similar reports for the previous test release but I'm not able to reproduce the problem.
I'm working on hardening the ts code so that I shold be able to solve it anyway.

Also, upon exiting any app or game, instead of defaulting back to Gmenu2x, it just drops back to the main gp2x menu. I'm running an F200 with 4.10.

This should be handled by the autorun.gpu script, and it has not been modified in ages...
Is this the first version that gives you this problem or is this happening from after an upgrade of the firmware?

also: Dimmu rocks! I was listening to Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia today at work till my boss came back and said, "Dude... What the f**k?"

Man, I love this band soooo much... and Death Cult Armageddon is such a masterpiece!
i found maybe a major bug.
in test3 binary.

if i rename section "settings" to another name such as "nastavení" or "setting" all links in this folder dissapears
after next reboot. only "exit", "gp2x" and "system" stay here.
after renaming this section back to "settings" and restart ,all is OK.

can anyone confirm that ?
f100 fw 2.1.2
That's because the settings section is a virtual hardcoded one. It's not meant to be renamed (even though the interface seems to allow you to do that).

I still have to think about a possible solution.
So, I've also tested the new Menu. It works nice, maybe a little bit slow during switching between sections but I know it's a beta version.

I could need all new translation strings since the last official Gmenu release (0.9), there are some new words to translate. :)