
lwjgl is still looking for the following functions:






















Whether it actually needs any of those I can't say yet.

Of the ones it can find, I'm assuming you added a stub for glXQueryVersion because that's where it's breaking now.

	if (lwjgl_glXQueryVersion(disp, &major, &minor) != True)
		return false;
If it's not a stub then there is something very bizarre going on I think because glXQueryVersion should be a pretty straight forward call I would think.
Last edited by a moderator:
Thanks. It's now throwing an exception "GL11 Not Supported", which I traced to this... er... "line"

(forwardCompatible || (glAccum = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glAccum")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glAlphaFunc = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glAlphaFunc")) != 0) &
(glClearColor = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glClearColor")) != 0 &
(forwardCompatible || (glClearAccum = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glClearAccum")) != 0) &
(glClear = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glClear")) != 0 &
(forwardCompatible || (glCallLists = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glCallLists")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glCallList = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glCallList")) != 0) &
(glBlendFunc = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glBlendFunc")) != 0 &
(forwardCompatible || (glBitmap = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glBitmap")) != 0) &
(glBindTexture = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glBindTexture")) != 0 &
(forwardCompatible || (glPrioritizeTextures = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glPrioritizeTextures")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glAreTexturesResident = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glAreTexturesResident")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glBegin = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glBegin")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glEnd = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glEnd")) != 0) &
(glArrayElement = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glArrayElement")) != 0 &
(glClearDepth = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glClearDepth")) != 0 &
(forwardCompatible || (glDeleteLists = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glDeleteLists")) != 0) &
(glDeleteTextures = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glDeleteTextures")) != 0 &
(glCullFace = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glCullFace")) != 0 &
(glCopyTexSubImage2D = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glCopyTexSubImage2D")) != 0 &
(glCopyTexSubImage1D = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glCopyTexSubImage1D")) != 0 &
(glCopyTexImage2D = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glCopyTexImage2D")) != 0 &
(glCopyTexImage1D = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glCopyTexImage1D")) != 0 &
(glCopyPixels = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glCopyPixels")) != 0 &
(forwardCompatible || (glColorPointer = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glColorPointer")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glColorMaterial = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glColorMaterial")) != 0) &
(glColorMask = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glColorMask")) != 0 &
(forwardCompatible || (glColor3b = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glColor3b")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glColor3f = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glColor3f")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glColor3d = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glColor3d")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glColor3ub = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glColor3ub")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glColor4b = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glColor4b")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glColor4f = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glColor4f")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glColor4d = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glColor4d")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glColor4ub = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glColor4ub")) != 0) &
(glClipPlane = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glClipPlane")) != 0 &
(glClearStencil = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glClearStencil")) != 0 &
(forwardCompatible || (glEvalPoint1 = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glEvalPoint1")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glEvalPoint2 = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glEvalPoint2")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glEvalMesh1 = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glEvalMesh1")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glEvalMesh2 = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glEvalMesh2")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glEvalCoord1f = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glEvalCoord1f")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glEvalCoord1d = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glEvalCoord1d")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glEvalCoord2f = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glEvalCoord2f")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glEvalCoord2d = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glEvalCoord2d")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glEnableClientState = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glEnableClientState")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glDisableClientState = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glDisableClientState")) != 0) &
(glEnable = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glEnable")) != 0 &
(glDisable = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glDisable")) != 0 &
(forwardCompatible || (glEdgeFlagPointer = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glEdgeFlagPointer")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glEdgeFlag = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glEdgeFlag")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glDrawPixels = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glDrawPixels")) != 0) &
(glDrawElements = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glDrawElements")) != 0 &
(glDrawBuffer = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glDrawBuffer")) != 0 &
(glDrawArrays = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glDrawArrays")) != 0 &
(glDepthRange = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glDepthRange")) != 0 &
(glDepthMask = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glDepthMask")) != 0 &
(glDepthFunc = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glDepthFunc")) != 0 &
(forwardCompatible || (glFeedbackBuffer = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glFeedbackBuffer")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glGetPixelMapfv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetPixelMapfv")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glGetPixelMapuiv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetPixelMapuiv")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glGetPixelMapusv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetPixelMapusv")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glGetMaterialfv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetMaterialfv")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glGetMaterialiv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetMaterialiv")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glGetMapfv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetMapfv")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glGetMapdv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetMapdv")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glGetMapiv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetMapiv")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glGetLightfv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetLightfv")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glGetLightiv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetLightiv")) != 0) &
(glGetError = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetError")) != 0 &
(glGetClipPlane = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetClipPlane")) != 0 &
(glGetBooleanv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetBooleanv")) != 0 &
(glGetDoublev = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetDoublev")) != 0 &
(glGetFloatv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetFloatv")) != 0 &
(glGetIntegerv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetIntegerv")) != 0 &
(glGenTextures = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGenTextures")) != 0 &
(forwardCompatible || (glGenLists = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGenLists")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glFrustum = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glFrustum")) != 0) &
(glFrontFace = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glFrontFace")) != 0 &
(forwardCompatible || (glFogf = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glFogf")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glFogi = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glFogi")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glFogfv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glFogfv")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glFogiv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glFogiv")) != 0) &
(glFlush = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glFlush")) != 0 &
(glFinish = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glFinish")) != 0 &
(glGetPointerv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetPointerv")) != 0 &
(glIsEnabled = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glIsEnabled")) != 0 &
(glInterleavedArrays = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glInterleavedArrays")) != 0 &
(forwardCompatible || (glInitNames = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glInitNames")) != 0) &
(glHint = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glHint")) != 0 &
(glGetTexParameterfv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetTexParameterfv")) != 0 &
(glGetTexParameteriv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetTexParameteriv")) != 0 &
(glGetTexLevelParameterfv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetTexLevelParameterfv")) != 0 &
(glGetTexLevelParameteriv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetTexLevelParameteriv")) != 0 &
(glGetTexImage = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetTexImage")) != 0 &
(forwardCompatible || (glGetTexGeniv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetTexGeniv")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glGetTexGenfv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetTexGenfv")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glGetTexGendv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetTexGendv")) != 0) &
(glGetTexEnviv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetTexEnviv")) != 0 &
(glGetTexEnvfv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetTexEnvfv")) != 0 &
(glGetString = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetString")) != 0 &
(forwardCompatible || (glGetPolygonStipple = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glGetPolygonStipple")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glIsList = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glIsList")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glMaterialf = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glMaterialf")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glMateriali = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glMateriali")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glMaterialfv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glMaterialfv")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glMaterialiv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glMaterialiv")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glMapGrid1f = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glMapGrid1f")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glMapGrid1d = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glMapGrid1d")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glMapGrid2f = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glMapGrid2f")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glMapGrid2d = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glMapGrid2d")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glMap2f = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glMap2f")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glMap2d = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glMap2d")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glMap1f = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glMap1f")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glMap1d = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glMap1d")) != 0) &
(glLogicOp = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glLogicOp")) != 0 &
(forwardCompatible || (glLoadName = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glLoadName")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glLoadMatrixf = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glLoadMatrixf")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glLoadMatrixd = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glLoadMatrixd")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glLoadIdentity = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glLoadIdentity")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glListBase = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glListBase")) != 0) &
(glLineWidth = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glLineWidth")) != 0 &
(forwardCompatible || (glLineStipple = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glLineStipple")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glLightModelf = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glLightModelf")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glLightModeli = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glLightModeli")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glLightModelfv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glLightModelfv")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glLightModeliv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glLightModeliv")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glLightf = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glLightf")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glLighti = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glLighti")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glLightfv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glLightfv")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glLightiv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glLightiv")) != 0) &
(glIsTexture = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glIsTexture")) != 0 &
(forwardCompatible || (glMatrixMode = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glMatrixMode")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glPolygonStipple = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glPolygonStipple")) != 0) &
(glPolygonOffset = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glPolygonOffset")) != 0 &
(glPolygonMode = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glPolygonMode")) != 0 &
(glPointSize = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glPointSize")) != 0 &
(forwardCompatible || (glPixelZoom = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glPixelZoom")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glPixelTransferf = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glPixelTransferf")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glPixelTransferi = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glPixelTransferi")) != 0) &
(glPixelStoref = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glPixelStoref")) != 0 &
(glPixelStorei = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glPixelStorei")) != 0 &
(forwardCompatible || (glPixelMapfv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glPixelMapfv")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glPixelMapuiv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glPixelMapuiv")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glPixelMapusv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glPixelMapusv")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glPassThrough = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glPassThrough")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glOrtho = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glOrtho")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glNormalPointer = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glNormalPointer")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glNormal3b = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glNormal3b")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glNormal3f = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glNormal3f")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glNormal3d = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glNormal3d")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glNormal3i = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glNormal3i")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glNewList = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glNewList")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glEndList = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glEndList")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glMultMatrixf = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glMultMatrixf")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glMultMatrixd = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glMultMatrixd")) != 0) &
(glShadeModel = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glShadeModel")) != 0 &
(forwardCompatible || (glSelectBuffer = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glSelectBuffer")) != 0) &
(glScissor = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glScissor")) != 0 &
(forwardCompatible || (glScalef = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glScalef")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glScaled = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glScaled")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glRotatef = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glRotatef")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glRotated = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glRotated")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glRenderMode = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glRenderMode")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glRectf = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glRectf")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glRectd = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glRectd")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glRecti = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glRecti")) != 0) &
(glReadPixels = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glReadPixels")) != 0 &
(glReadBuffer = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glReadBuffer")) != 0 &
(forwardCompatible || (glRasterPos2f = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glRasterPos2f")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glRasterPos2d = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glRasterPos2d")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glRasterPos2i = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glRasterPos2i")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glRasterPos3f = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glRasterPos3f")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glRasterPos3d = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glRasterPos3d")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glRasterPos3i = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glRasterPos3i")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glRasterPos4f = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glRasterPos4f")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glRasterPos4d = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glRasterPos4d")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glRasterPos4i = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glRasterPos4i")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glPushName = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glPushName")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glPopName = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glPopName")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glPushMatrix = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glPushMatrix")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glPopMatrix = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glPopMatrix")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glPushClientAttrib = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glPushClientAttrib")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glPopClientAttrib = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glPopClientAttrib")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glPushAttrib = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glPushAttrib")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glPopAttrib = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glPopAttrib")) != 0) &
(glStencilFunc = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glStencilFunc")) != 0 &
(forwardCompatible || (glVertexPointer = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glVertexPointer")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glVertex2f = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glVertex2f")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glVertex2d = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glVertex2d")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glVertex2i = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glVertex2i")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glVertex3f = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glVertex3f")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glVertex3d = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glVertex3d")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glVertex3i = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glVertex3i")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glVertex4f = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glVertex4f")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glVertex4d = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glVertex4d")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glVertex4i = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glVertex4i")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glTranslatef = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTranslatef")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glTranslated = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTranslated")) != 0) &
(glTexImage1D = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexImage1D")) != 0 &
(glTexImage2D = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexImage2D")) != 0 &
(glTexSubImage1D = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexSubImage1D")) != 0 &
(glTexSubImage2D = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexSubImage2D")) != 0 &
(glTexParameterf = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexParameterf")) != 0 &
(glTexParameteri = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexParameteri")) != 0 &
(glTexParameterfv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexParameterfv")) != 0 &
(glTexParameteriv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexParameteriv")) != 0 &
(forwardCompatible || (glTexGenf = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexGenf")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glTexGend = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexGend")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glTexGenfv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexGenfv")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glTexGendv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexGendv")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glTexGeni = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexGeni")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glTexGeniv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexGeniv")) != 0) &
(glTexEnvf = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexEnvf")) != 0 &
(glTexEnvi = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexEnvi")) != 0 &
(glTexEnvfv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexEnvfv")) != 0 &
(glTexEnviv = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexEnviv")) != 0 &
(forwardCompatible || (glTexCoordPointer = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexCoordPointer")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glTexCoord1f = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexCoord1f")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glTexCoord1d = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexCoord1d")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glTexCoord2f = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexCoord2f")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glTexCoord2d = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexCoord2d")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glTexCoord3f = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexCoord3f")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glTexCoord3d = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexCoord3d")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glTexCoord4f = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexCoord4f")) != 0) &
(forwardCompatible || (glTexCoord4d = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glTexCoord4d")) != 0) &
(glStencilOp = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glStencilOp")) != 0 &
(glStencilMask = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glStencilMask")) != 0 &
(glViewport = GLContext.getFunctionAddress("glViewport")) != 0;
Something in there is false. I think I may wait until after PAX-E to tackle it though.

edit: and here's all the functions it is looking for.

These ones are from the init which I'm already bypassing.

glXGetProcAddress: glXGetCurrentContext not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXQueryExtension not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXQueryVersion not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXGetClientString not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXGetFBConfigs not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXChooseFBConfig not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXGetFBConfigAttrib not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXGetVisualFromFBConfig not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXCreateWindow not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXDestroyWindow not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXCreatePixmap not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXDestroyPixmap not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXCreatePbuffer not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXDestroyPbuffer not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXQueryDrawable not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXCreateNewContext not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXMakeContextCurrent not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXGetCurrentReadDrawable not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXQueryContext not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXSelectEvent not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXGetSelectedEvent not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXSwapIntervalSGI not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXSwapIntervalEXT not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXCreateContextAttribsARB not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXEnumerateVideoDevicesNV not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXBindVideoDeviceNV not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXBindVideoCaptureDeviceNV not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXEnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXLockVideoCaptureDeviceNV not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXQueryVideoCaptureDeviceNV not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glXReleaseVideoCaptureDeviceNV not found.

These ones are from that list above. Plus maybe a few more from other places, I didn't really pay much attention

glXGetProcAddress: glGetStringi not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glAccum not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glClearAccum not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glCallLists not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glPrioritizeTextures not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glAreTexturesResident not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glCopyTexSubImage1D not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glCopyTexImage1D not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glColorMaterial not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glEvalPoint1 not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glEvalPoint2 not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glEvalMesh1 not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glEvalMesh2 not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glEvalCoord1f not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glEvalCoord1d not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glEvalCoord2f not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glEvalCoord2d not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glEdgeFlagPointer not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glFeedbackBuffer not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetPixelMapfv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetPixelMapuiv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetPixelMapusv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetMaterialiv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetMapfv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetMapdv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetMapiv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetLightiv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetClipPlane not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glFogiv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glInterleavedArrays not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetTexGeniv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetTexGenfv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetTexGendv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetPolygonStipple not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glIsList not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glMaterialiv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glMapGrid1f not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glMapGrid1d not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glMapGrid2f not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glMapGrid2d not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glMap2f not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glMap2d not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glMap1f not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glMap1d not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glListBase not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glLineStipple not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glLightModeliv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glLighti not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glLightiv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glPixelStoref not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glPixelMapfv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glPixelMapuiv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glPixelMapusv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glPassThrough not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glSelectBuffer not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glRecti not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glTexSubImage1D not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetStringi not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glAccum not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glClearAccum not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glCallLists not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glPrioritizeTextures not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glAreTexturesResident not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glCopyTexSubImage1D not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glCopyTexImage1D not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glColorMaterial not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glEvalPoint1 not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glEvalPoint2 not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glEvalMesh1 not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glEvalMesh2 not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glEvalCoord1f not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glEvalCoord1d not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glEvalCoord2f not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glEvalCoord2d not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glEdgeFlagPointer not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glFeedbackBuffer not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetPixelMapfv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetPixelMapuiv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetPixelMapusv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetMaterialiv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetMapfv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetMapdv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetMapiv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetLightiv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetClipPlane not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glFogiv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glInterleavedArrays not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetTexGeniv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetTexGenfv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetTexGendv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glGetPolygonStipple not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glIsList not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glMaterialiv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glMapGrid1f not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glMapGrid1d not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glMapGrid2f not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glMapGrid2d not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glMap2f not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glMap2d not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glMap1f not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glMap1d not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glListBase not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glLineStipple not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glLightModeliv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glLighti not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glLightiv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glPixelStoref not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glPixelMapfv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glPixelMapuiv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glPixelMapusv not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glPassThrough not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glSelectBuffer not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glRecti not found.

glXGetProcAddress: glTexSubImage1D not found.
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New version up:

  • Foreign glDrawArrays are now intercepted. This is only used to handle GL_QUADS right now, but I can use it to add support for weird packing formats and glDrawArrays inside display lists.
  • glPush/PopClientAttrib now save and restore gl*Pointer state
  • Misc bugfixes.
Hopefully another demo video coming in the next couple of hours.
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I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it
I'm about to lose control and I think I like it

I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it
And I know, I know, I know, I know
I know I want Aquaria, want Aquaria



By the way great work. I'm impressed by you, Sir. :)

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Just a note that I did try to compile StepMania... then had problems due to my SD being FAT32... so... I'll have to find some time to find a card I can format to EXT and try again I guess...

EDIT: Also Pickle - I'm wondering how a straight port of Gish as opposed to our GL->GLES conversion would perform? :P
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Just a note that I did try to compile StepMania... then had problems due to my SD being FAT32... so... I'll have to find some time to find a card I can format to EXT and try again I guess...
I already have both StepMania 3.9 and 5.0 compiled and running. I'll post a video when I've fixed the visuals up a bit.
I think aquatia uses openal, did you use the latest one in the new firmware?
It has some neon stuff and helped with speed in avp.
I think aquatia uses openal, did you use the latest one in the new firmware? It has some neon stuff and helped with speed in avp.
Just updated it.

Edit: another version up - I fixed issues with screen resolution, and added joystick mappings. You can use the left and right triggers as your left/right mouse buttons (it won't let me map abxy from aquaria so I haven't bothered yet).
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Is glew still a problem?
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I swear StepMania used it and I have StepMania running so I don't know.
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Yeah. I'm set up with the Introversion svn and know my way around their source already. Uplink's even still on my radar. I'll see about integrating defcon/darwinia/multwinia into my tests.
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