Caanoo / WIZ Howto For Opengl-es 1.1 Lite On The Wiz

trentg said:
Unused symbols get dropped so make a shared library. This is how I worked around it.

I don't think this is quite what's going on. When I make a direct call to GLESOAL_Initalize in my code it executes, but the OpenGL library can't find it when it tries calling it. Maybe it's a name mangling issue, or something similar?

I guess I'll go the shared library route as well. I'd much rather just link in the code directly but I just can't figure out how to get that to work.
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Obviously, if you call it yourself it's not an unused symbol anymore. You can also link statically and then link wizGLES like so: g++ -o mygame myobj.o -rdynamic -lwizGLES