Gizmondo Better Than Psp ?

they just kicked their own ass
the giz is powerful, but I doubt people will get into it with its crazy large price
the PSP is almost as good ( less procesor, maybe better video card ) and is much cheaper
o well, we'll see how this goes
and incase anyone didnt know, there is a rumor floating around that HALO 1 will be on the giz ( it will be toned down majorly though... )

they just kicked their own ass

Yup. :D

Will be interseting to see how much money they put into the gizmondo, and just how much money they actually get out.

Personally PSP and DS will beat it.......just have to wait and see
Last time I saw Gizmondo it was ugly as hell and had a single 3" screen. Its other specs are nice though.
I think the thing actually look pretty cool and, oddly enough, comfortable to hold. I could be wrong, though. I thought the Zodiac looked comfortable to hold and I went on got my hands on one at CompUSA and couldn't stand it.
I think DS is going to beat PSP is going to beat Gizmondo is going to beat GP32 [no offence, it so damn underground!] is going to beat Zodiac is going to beat Gameking [or maybe the other way around w/ Gameking & Zodiac...]....

Thats what I think...

I don't think the GP32 is in that horse race. The GP32 is an opensource "hobbiest" handheld that is for emus and homebrew. The others are mainstream commercial game systems. I think the GP32 is a different niche.
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The Giz is to the PSP as the GP32 is to the GBA.

It's that simple, no one in the US aside from a minor colection of niche lovers with lots of disposable income are even going to look at it unless a HUGE company backs it *COUGHM$becausetheydonthaveaportablsystemCOUGH* ,ehem, excuse me.

The DShas the better name recognition being a portable Nintendo product I think even Sony would accept this fact, which is why they arnt trying to take nintendo's market. They're going for a more mature market than the 16 and unders of the DS demographic. A smaller group but a group with more disposable income.
I think that microsoft will inevitable fuck themselves. It will be like the fall of the Roman Empire.

And I don't think that name reconition will help Nintendo very much because most people that play on handhelds play consoles, too. Sony has a ton of name reconition also. Ask some guy that is barely knows what video games are and he will know what ps2 is. I don't think I can say the same for gamecube though.

BTW. I'm backing DS.
My opinions:

Hardcore gamers know that everything
handheld that nintendo has made has sucked.
So now you'll ask:
Q: Why did these handhelds survive?
A: Because the other ones out there sucked even more, and
kiddies bought the games could they have no way of knowing
which ones will suck, so they bought based on the advertising they're
exposed to. (Nintendo's killer strategy)

So I'm expecting the DS to suck.
I'm not saying that I'm expecting the PSP to rock though.
I really couldn't tell ya.

I am however expecting the Gizmondo to not even reach most game store shelves. It might become part of the toy isle like did. Or it might become something that only has a small fan following.
My opinions:

Hardcore gamers know that everything
handheld that nintendo has made has sucked.
So now you'll ask:
Q: Why did these handhelds survive?
A: Because the other ones out there sucked even more, and
kiddies bought the games could they have no way of knowing
which ones will suck, so they bought based on the advertising they're
exposed to. (Nintendo's killer strategy)


1) You don't represent "hardcore gamers" - you are just you.

2) If anything, the majority of "hardcore" i.e. longtime hobbyist gamers have great respect and love for Nintendo's many excellent games over the years. Only the kiddie crop who started gaming with the PSX would think Nintendo "sucks."

3) You say Nintendo's handhelds succeeded because competing handhelds "sucked even more" - that is absurd. It's the opposite - competing handhelds have almost invariably been technically superior to Nintendo's, but Nintendo had lower prices and, generally speaking, better games and more popular franchises.

And while I would tend to agree most of Nintendo's handhelds were technical misfits with atrocious screens, the GBA SP was a truly good design overall, and technically decent for a handheld.

As for the DS, it won't "suck." It will be at least somewhat successful, it's already selling tons in pre-orders. Whether or not the PSP will carve out a large part of the portable pie is the question. It's all about DS vs. PSP now. If Sony releases PSP for $150 in the US...
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I don't think that name reconition will help Nintendo very much because most people that play on handhelds play consoles, too. Sony has a ton of name reconition also. Ask some guy that is barely knows what video games are and he will know what ps2 is. I don't think I can say the same for gamecube though.

Nintendos GBA is making them far more money than the GC, people obvioulsy like what they;ve been putting out on it. It will continue with the DS, the only real issues they face is the lack of connectivity in GBA games and the fact that many people already own a GBA and it may be a little dificult to justify the purchase of what is essentially a wider version of it to their parents. Though as a xmas present it might be an easier sale.

Blah, your opinion is your own... it is also laughable and ill-informed. I wont bother to dignify it with any further attention.

I have a feeling M$ will probably try to secretly subsidize the Giz, help them keep the price lower and licence games to them to try and add presure to Sony system but the name tiger carries a BAD reputation for cheesy products and will probably end up being another M$ money pit (not that they seem to have a problem with tossing money into pits.)
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My opinions:

Hardcore gamers know that everything
handheld that nintendo has made has sucked.
So now you'll ask:
Q: Why did these handhelds survive?
A: Because the other ones out there sucked even more, and
kiddies bought the games could they have no way of knowing
which ones will suck, so they bought based on the advertising they're
exposed to. (Nintendo's killer strategy)

So I'm expecting the DS to suck.
I'm not saying that I'm expecting the PSP to rock though.
I really couldn't tell ya.

I am however expecting the Gizmondo to not even reach most game store shelves. It might become part of the toy isle like did. Or it might become something that only has a small fan following.

I think your views are extremely blinkered, I have been playing videogames for about 25 years now and to suggest that all Nintendo handhelds suck is just plain lunacy.

Nintendo has certain franchises that just cant be bet against Mario, Zelda, Metroid etc, etc... watch the videos here to find out why im getting a DS.
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Its easy I think..

Hardware doesn't sell; Titles sell.

Course, the Giz (IMHO) is ugly; I'd never be seen in public with one. (Zodiac maybe, but even the GP32 is too kiddy looking for me to pull out in public imho..) PSP is simple and black.. it looks gadgety but not too bad .. like a big funky remote control :) The DS looks retro but I think it'll be okay for public; better than GBA SP and GBC and GB which look way too dorky for public again. (Adults I'm taling.. kids can do whatever they want :)

So DS will have titles; PSP will have different titles; it'll be like GC vs PS1/2 .. different. I think DS will take 60/40, but its hard to say.. could be 50/50 or even 40/60 for this first round of next gen handhelds.. but It hink 60/40 since the DS will get tht recognizable handheld titles.

Or maybe people do want something "nmew".. ie: PS1/2 brands moved to mobile will feel newer than the old classic Nintendo franchises?

The Giz.. expensive and dorky.. it'll have some good MS backed titles, but do people want Age of Empires mobile? They have it on Pocket PC and of course everyone bought it.. since PDAs are an older crowd for the most part, and starved for cool games, and AoE sort of fits. But the Giz, targetted at non-business younger folks... AoE isn't what you want is it?

Will be interestinmg thats for sure, but we can only hope MS gets slapped, and Tiger gets slapped.

I see the DS and PSP situation as to what happened when the PS1 came on the market.

Nintendo will keep hold of their fanboys and kids and Sony will capitalise on the previously unexploited market of adult gamers - which it still is by handheld standards.

And Ive always found Nintendos handhelds underwhelming. Theyve yet to face a company that hasnt had a hardware failure unlike Atari, Sega and SNK.
And Ive always found Nintendos handhelds underwhelming. Theyve yet to face a company that hasnt had a hardware failure unlike Atari, Sega and SNK.
I'm not sure what you mean by "hardware failure"?
Nintendo went up against the Sega GameGear, Sega Nomad, Atari Lynx, SNK NeoGeo Pocket (Color), Bandai Wonderswan (Crystal), NECs portable PC-Engine, Gamepark GP32 & the Zodiac.

All of the other handhelds was better than Nintendos counterpart, except price and battery performance.
Some would argue that Nintendo had better games but I'm not so sure about that.
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but you gotta remember bill gates is the second richest person n the world (Beaten BY IKEA!) and has loadsa cash to pump into the gizmondo
Nintendo has certain franchises that just cant be bet against Mario, Zelda, Metroid etc, etc... watch the videos here to find out why im getting a DS.
When I tried to watch the videos, at first, it gave me random TV commercials, than it stopped showing all together ;) ... I wonder if it had something to do with the skool blockers, but that pissed me off alot...
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