Give me a reason not to cancel my order and buy from the

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But we killed the volatile Craig-discussion. ;)

Well, at least for me it was a purpose. :P
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Kumaki, i totally understand you, although we do not have as many dirty tricks going on here (but trust me: there are some) here it's CDU vs. SPD instead of Reps vs. Demos.

Most of the SPD-voters just vote them, because they are the less horrible corrupt capitalists and most of the CDU-voters are just very old people that never thought about changing or young ones,

which are buying too often repeated lies or try to get on faster in society through some CDU-sponsored clubs/contacts...

Since both have gotten a lot worse over the years both partys are losing votes over the time now and maybe more and more shit from the Demos will change your system a tiny bit.

The real problem here is, that too many that are thinking that both are equal shit just stopped to vote, instead of giving it to some small party.

If all the nonvoters here would spontaniously vote some small party, this would instantly be the biggest!

Just think about it, that would be a chaos i really would like to see.

Only like half of Americans actually vote

Actually, I was a Democratic poll watcher this year, and, at my precinct, 69.7 percent of all eligible voters cast a ballot.

That percentage DOES go down in mid-term elections when the President is not up for election.

Although, I expect this mid-term, turnout will be high because our Governor is up in 2014, and is very unpopular.

As to re-districting, the only way to get rid of gerrymandering is do what California did. Their districts are now drawn by a non-partisan commission.

What would be ideal is to have districts as regularly-shaped and as compact as possible...each containing approximately as many citizens...without cutting Counties, cities, townships in half except where totally unavoidable. Someone could write a good computer algorithm to achieve this.

The people in power, of course, have no interest in such a plan, as their Job Number One is to get re-elected.

It's sad that the people we send to Washington to do the people's business...are all too often more interested in doing their own business.
You think Democrats are better?

Yes, they are WONDERFUL if you are a person who sits on your ass all day and do nothing.

Democrats steal from hardworking citizens to pay for your laziness, and other expenses you don't feel like paying for.


Look at Obama!!

You guys picked the most un-american motherfucker there is!:

-The guy is Muslim!

-He cancelled national pray day (Which is for all religions) then had 50000 Muslims at the White House, on that day, TO PRAY!!!

-He won't salute to the American flag

-He'd rather destroy this country than help it.

Why do you think ALL 50 states have signed petitions to recede from the union LESS THAN 2 WEEKS after Obama was re-elected?

Texas already has more than 4x the signatures needed. -_-

OK...I'm gonna try VERY HARD to be civil here in spite of your vitriolic attacks against our President.

A. He is NOT a Muslim. This has been established...or did we forget about Trinity United Church of Christ...of which Obama was a member in Chicago for over twenty years?

B. National Pray Day...The government has no business establlishing such a thing in the first place. Ever hear of separation of church and state? Ever hear of Freedom Of Religion (which also includes Freedom FROM Religion, if that is your choice.) You do not NEED any "national pray day" to PRAY. If you feel the need to pray, simply DO IT. It does not require government sanction or approval. That's one of the great things about America.

C. He has and does salute the American Flag. Even if he didn't, what's the huge deal? It's just a piece of cloth with colors on it. It is a SYMBOL. I'd prefer a man revere the coutry itself...and the citizens of it...than the SYMBOL. Scoundrels often come wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross. The measure of a man is his ACTIONS...not the SYMBOLS he chooses to revere...or make a show of revering. I know many people who make a show of revering America, and then spit on everything she stands for. Likewise, I know many who claim to be devout Christians...and spit on everything Jesus ever taught, believed, or stood for.

D. In what way do you believe anything Obama is doing is any more injurious to this country than his predecessor did? Let's see...a Housing-market crash and illegal bankers activities lead to an economic meltdown the likes of which we haven't seen since the Great Depression. A budget surplus turned into trillion-dollar defecits for two unpaid for wars of choice. I could go on, but I think that is enough.

E. Please, secede. If you're gonna vote Republican, we don't really want you, anyway! Please, we won't even come after you this time! And, seeing as 25,000 signatures are all that is needed...this means 100,000 Texans out of a statewide population of over 20 secession. In short, a whopping TWO PERCENT.

Now, is there anything else I can say, while still being civil?

Yes, matter of fact, there is.

F. I am a forty-something who has worked hard all my life and paid into Social Security all my life...and Romney/Ryan wanted to take it away! This wasn't the deal when I started paying into the system...when it was forcibly taken from my paychecks every week for years. It was promised to me then, that it would be there when I retire...and I expect that promise to be KEPT.

G. My GOD...I actually have to go back to quoting RONALD the debate in Kentucky in 1984 to explain why Social Security has never added a nickel to the defecit...and why cutting social Security will not solve so much as a nickel of the defecit!! RONALD REAGAN...NO LESS!!

H. Over 60 million Americans voted for Obama. Are you going to sit there and tell me that 60 million Americans are people

"who sit on your ass all day and do nothing."

Do you really believe "Democrats steal from hardworking citizens to pay for your laziness, and other expenses you don't feel like paying for."

when Republicans routinely try to slash the social safety net, including Social Security...which I PAID INTO?? WHO IS STEALING FROM WHO THERE??

I. Please get real facts, take your face away from FOX NOISE for a few minutes and join us all in the real world.

I have nothing more to say that would be considered at all civil.
Well, unlike some people here at least I'M being civil and actually providing facts to back up my opinions and assertions...and I am NOT calling Presidents I do not like "emm effers" And I am NOT implying that half of Americans are fat, lazy do-nothings that want everyone else to pay for everything.

I suppose this other guy thinks people who get hit by a little bad luck should just curl up and die.

Well, reality check for you: PEOPLE WILL NOT DO THAT. When their survival is at stake, there is NOTHING people will not do to survive. the social safety net basically insures relatively civil society by not forcing anyone into a situation where they would be inclined to basically smash your face in and just take your stuff.

My GOD...I just have no words....


The National Day of Prayer task force, in a May 4, 2009 USA Today released a statement saying, "While there will be tens of thousands of prayer gatherings throughout the nation, on May 7th, the Obama Administration announced there will not be a White House Observance for the National Day of Prayer this year, contrary to the administrations of President George W. Bush, President George H. W. Bush, and President Ronald Reagan. A White House Observance was not held during the administration of President Bill Clinton."

- http://www.truthorfi....obama.html

(If you read that it says he still prayed that day with muslims)

Presidents always love to throw Religion in un-allowed places :P Get real. ^_^


That link is for fun. ;) (This is the most important link ;) )

But I must ask, you pay into Social Security, but WHO UNWILLINGLY pays for Welfare due to Democrats?

Oh, and what party is trying TO COMPLETELY GET RID OF GUNS? Not Conservatives.

;) I kept this as short as possible and did not go on ranting nonsense. Just closing a conversation.

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