Lets Have More Smilies !!


Apr 5, 2004
Visit site
Don't you think that gp32x.de needs more SMILIES ??
In comparison with other great fan sites (e.g. gbatemp.net for the gba)
our gp32 site has a raw amount of smilies.

But we need them to express our feelings. :ph34r:
and the most of them looks cool. gp32_console B)

Maybe we could also make a SMILIE CONTEST
where people can create some great gp32 smilies.

I'm thinking about things like that:

But maybe you don't like my suggestion. <_<
Just think about it. ;)

Thanks for your attention
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I disagree, animated smiles are highely annoying and make posters look like idiots.

But keep on suggesting.

EDIT: More similes would be cool though.
I also don`t like the animated smilies, but I like the normal ones. And some more of them would be nice... although I don`t really need more...
This kind of topic was brought up a while ago, and it's where we got the gp32_console icon from. There were lots more that could have been used, but the mods didn't want to. I have a feeling that one smile might be added if it is really good, otherwise nothing much will happen.
And in that request I posted a long and annoying rant about smileys.

But I have changed my mind now.

Yes, we should definitely have more smileys, but you have to pay hando £50 per smiley you want to add.

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I just wanted to say that I really don't like the 3-D smilies on Invision's board, they just don't show your emotions like a smilie should, for the most part :(
Nova posted on Mar 4 2005 at 10:26 PM said:
finty101 posted on Mar 4 2005 at 06:13 PM said:
Even the emotions they represent are shit.

...well id like to see a 'Fuck off' one and i think a LMAO one is definitely needed
Smilies holding signs with text are totally pointless, and LMAO can easily be done with a LOL smilie, we don't need crappy animated smilies lowering my enjoyment of the board.

So there.
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