Ive been searching a lot of these Gigas topics and see a lot of the same questions being asked, so I thought I'd take the liberty of helping answer some of those (your) questions to the best of my knowledge...
Q - Will FMV Cutscenes be supported?
A - "avi support for movies/cutscenes is something i'll look into, GPcinema shows its possible but i'd have to find some open source or some good documentation to write my own reader/renderer."
Q - Where is the PC Editor?
A - "he PC editor will be done once the GP32 editor is finished, otherwise if i had the two editors in development at once, if i changed one thing i'd have to then change it two times (on for each editor) - where as if i get the GP32 one finished, it'll make developing the PC editor alot easier as i know exactly whats needed from it."
Q - What Music types will be supported?
A - "idi will be difficult on GP32 has it has no built in instruments, wav should be easy, and mp3 and ogg is something i'll def look into."
Q - Will Gigas be turned based or real time combat?
A - Both, currently only real time battle though.
Feel free to add some you may have heard a lot of, and I will add them to this list!
Q - Will FMV Cutscenes be supported?
A - "avi support for movies/cutscenes is something i'll look into, GPcinema shows its possible but i'd have to find some open source or some good documentation to write my own reader/renderer."
Q - Where is the PC Editor?
A - "he PC editor will be done once the GP32 editor is finished, otherwise if i had the two editors in development at once, if i changed one thing i'd have to then change it two times (on for each editor) - where as if i get the GP32 one finished, it'll make developing the PC editor alot easier as i know exactly whats needed from it."
Q - What Music types will be supported?
A - "idi will be difficult on GP32 has it has no built in instruments, wav should be easy, and mp3 and ogg is something i'll def look into."
Q - Will Gigas be turned based or real time combat?
A - Both, currently only real time battle though.
Feel free to add some you may have heard a lot of, and I will add them to this list!