Genesis Collective Database V1.5 Download (useful Resource)


Coltrane Sundia
Aug 7, 2004
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[note to those who followed the 'I Just Got My GP2X' thread -- this is a more recent version of the database to download]

The Genesis Collective's offline database download link is dead on their site, so I packed up my copy and stuck it here:

It's the full (v1.5) offline database of Genesis games, including screenshots.

The online version is still here, but buggy (it was hacked a couple of years ago and never properly restored):
A very nice database with lots of useful information. However, they did not update the thing for a very long time. The database is not totaly complete, as there are still a lot of games that don't feature a boxshot, screenshots, and stuff like that. But, it is absolutely a very handy thing to have when you are looking for some nice Mega Drive games to play!

Thanks for giving us the link :)
Funkaholic posted on Jul 3 2006 at 11:20 PM said:
Is there anything like this for the SNES?
I've come across this before. There also used to be a list on the nintendo website, but it seemed to have disappeared.
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Funkaholic posted on Jul 3 2006 at 10:20 PM said:
Is there anything like this for the SNES?

Yes indeed:

Gamebase is absolutely brilliant. It also supports complete databases for Commodore 64 and AtariST. There are other platforms being worked on, but they're not complete yet.
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The only gamebases that are actively maintained are

Atari ST
and Amiga

The Amiga one tries too not even associate themselves with the "Amibase" project and are switching away from gamebase to something called MAGE.
[note to those who followed the 'I Just Got My GP2X' thread -- this is a more recent version of the database to download]

The Genesis Collective's offline database download link is dead on their site, so I packed up my copy and stuck it here:

It's the full (v1.5) offline database of Genesis games, including screenshots.

The online version is still here, but buggy (it was hacked a couple of years ago and never properly restored):
Could you possibly upload this again I have looked everywhere for this

Big thanks
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