Geepee 32 Help


Apr 28, 2003
when i get to the menu i cant start the free launcher i tried all the buttons(b takes me back)
Sounds like an encryption problem ? Im assuming you've tried re-installing the Freelauncher zpk, maybe re-register. Ive also heard something about a bot on #gp32 efnet that can encrypt stuff.. you could try that too. good luck :)
GeePee 32 v40, seems to have a few controller problems, for me anyway. when i configured it, there was either the choice of QWERTY or AZERTY, i chose QWERTY, and i kept the A button kept getting configured to Q, even when i changed it to A and clicked OK. I finally ended up going into the .ini file, and editting the controls myself, so they would stay the same. try every button on ur keyboard, and if ur keyboard has QWERTY as the top 6 keys, make sure u choose that option, or else the buttons will be mixed up a bit. try until u get it fixed, also, make sure u have made ur SMC on ur computer correctly, so that it will work properly. hope this helps...
I have the same problem on my brand new GP32!
Can you advise if you solved it in the end?

I registered, then downloaded and used the authentification wizard (success), downloaded and installed Freelauncher on my SMC.

But then the GP32 refuses to launch FreeLauncher from the Game menu. It's there, but can't select it with START. (the START button seems to work as I can enter the Game menu itself)

A mate of mine tried my SMC on his GP32, and the same Freelauncher boots fine...

Could it by my GP32 not being registered properly? A faulty SMC port? (MP3 seems to work fine though, even if the copy of big files seem to time out one time out of 3)
Please help! Very frustrating!