Geepee Help


Still Fresh
Sep 30, 2005
i just downloaded geepee, the gp32 emulator, and i was wondering, how do you get this to work,, ive tryed searching for stuff but i couldnt find any,,
i got the latest aquafish firmware,, what else do i need?
btw,, im trying to get smashgp to work on it.
any help?
ive made my smc,, but i dont no what folder to put it in,, when i try to load it, it goes to a bunch of circles in a circle with back squares in them,,

-and i dont care if it runs slow,, its just to get some screenshots and maybe a video,, and to be able to test my chars without downgrading my psp all the time,,

EDIT: ok i went and tryed i different firmware(Mr.Spivs) and i got it to atleast open a gp32 menu,, but when i go to game, its says,, "smc is not inserted or no game exists",,
what im i doing wrong

EDIT2: After some tweaking Ive got it to go to a screen saying Loading in blue,, then it goes to a black screen,no music, but it doesnt freeze(can i put the fps thing on it to see), any idea on how to get this to work,,
btw< my smc file is 33mb,, is that right? i think thats the problem,,