Gbax 32mb Ram


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Feb 17, 2004
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13th July: As you might have noticed there is an LCD/TV section at the top of the screen, this will go live soon. Also GP32 180MHZ units will soon be available and also possibly 32M upgrades as well as un-clock-tested low priced 133mhz versions.

Cool, Ill be waiting and getting one!
Damn! I only just got a 166 BLU (wonder if it goes to 180?) to replace my FLU (seemed to go beyond 166) and now I'm going to be obsolete again!

I really hope that future software doesn't start requiring mods etc though, as software for GP32 should work with a standard GP32 as far as possible shouldn't it...?

bringoutthegimp posted on Jul 14 2004 at 08:03 AM said:
will do ....

How much will the 32MB Cost??? and what about 64MB ??
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I really hope that future software doesn't start requiring mods etc though, as software for GP32 should work with a standard GP32 as far as possible shouldn't it...?

My thoughts exactly. I guess it depends on the cost of the upgrade, but judging from GBAX's current prices, not everyone will be able to afford this. The day that GP32 coded software won't work on my GP32 is the day I leave it on the shelf to gather dust.

DOUBLE EDIT: just spotted the other seems pointless to split them since we were discussing the news, but hey, whatever. Oh, now I see. That thread went waaaay off topic. I have nothing against GBAX, I just don't like the idea of a memory upgrade.
mattmagoo posted on Jul 14 2004 at 10:01 PM said:
aquafish_ posted on Jul 14 2004 at 09:33 AM said:
not sucks, just not as godlike as they are made out to be
lies . Without GBAX I wouldnt be here.. now what would u all do without me.

note: Kats boyfriend just came online.. im angry!!!!!
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Shirohagen posted on Jul 14 2004 at 09:00 AM said:
I really hope that future software doesn't start requiring mods etc though, as software for GP32 should work with a standard GP32 as far as possible shouldn't it...?
Yeah, I'm slightly scared about the "arms race" in overclocking. If anything, developers should clock their dev boxes down so people with standard machines can get the nicest experience imaginable.
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I can't wait for this. I hope he offers to mod peoples already bought GP32s and not just new ones.
... concidering how few user made applications right now fully push the gp32_console some how I doubt this mod will make a lot of differance. yeah people will be able to create stuff that runs that high but there's no use in exclusivly trying to make exclusive content for it.

So some say maybe one day and industrious coder might makes something like a NeoGeo or MAME emmulator that only runs on a modded system, well first off we're still waiting for the next PCengine and SNES emmulators to get new revs for like a year now, somehow the idea that a perfect NeoGeo emu is going to spring up over night with perfect compatability for the tiny percent that will actually do the mod sounds somewhat ridiculous to me.

After a while coders will wonder what all the work they're doing is for if only a few people can use it.
I think devs will want to have their code run at as low a clock speed as possible, so don't freak out. Why? Simple, the lower the clock speed the better battery life you get. What good is it if you can overclock to 200 mhz if the batteries die in 2 hours ;)
Wow, im surprised to see not many people excited about this upgrade. Thats what is really is, just the same up upgrading a computer with more memory. me, for one, want my GP32 to gain capabiilities. Of course I LOVe all the software that is released and being released today, but IMHO, GP32 < GP32 w/more capabilities.

Just my 2 cents.'s not really like upgrading a computer since there are lots of computers out there that have different specs, and they all are pretty much supposed to do the same thing. I don't feel like explaining it (I'm kind of tired right now), just think about it and you should get it.