Gbax 2004 Extended Compo Results

This is what Flubba himself said:

"Thank you!
Ofcourse I will stay with the GBA scene but it will be interesting to see how the GP32 works."
I don't get it. What the hell is so great about the GBA??? Small washed out frontlit screen, very little RAM, weak CPU. Yes it has good commercial games but other than that? To blow off the Zodiac and GP32 for the GBA seems strange, to each his own I suppose :blink:

Your joking... right? GBA is the biggest portable console in the world, and it's a joy to program for.....

Also you forgot about the ROM. The ROM is absolutely insanely large
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with that logic, why bother with a GP32 when you have the zodiac with better screen, more RAM etc etc :P

the GBA is lovely hardware, its low-powered but that it still has its charms, it can still do pro-snes quality graphics in the right hands - and for 2D games you can't really ask any more than that.

in terms of emulation, the GBA has some advantages over the GP32, its only the brute clock speed of the gp32's chip which makes it the overall winner.

not to mention its userbase is a fair bit larger than the gp32's (for now).
Yeah, the user base will always be larger for the big N machine.

I am not sure what advantages it has for emulation though. It doesn't even have enough screen resolution to match the consoles it emulates, it is only 240 x 160. What happens to all of the extra detail?

I guess the biggest advantage is that it is the only handheld that has a perfect GBA emulator running at FS0 with full sound :D
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If the GBA really is a joy to program for, then that's one reason to code for it.

If it's a real bitch, then it's a challenge, and very rewarding (just like that NES emulator programed in QBasic...)

we are annoyed when coders leaved for the Zodiac, but we want are pleased that a GBA coder is coming onto GP32
I don't think anyone here is suggesting that he should abandon the GBA completely. Rather We would pleased if he did a few things for the GP32 as well as GBA.

We were annoyed when coders left for the Z because they abandoned the GP32 entirely.
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"Wow! I mean thanks a lot guys
I will be interesting to see what can be done with the GP32 (coding and apps wise), maybe help out with GP-Engine at least." - Flubba on Emuboards

"Thanks guys (and gal)!
We'll see if I develop anything for it, I might help some people out, I have no idea yet, it might be really nice to develop for it and it might just suck, so...
But I'll sure give it a good test." - Flubba on Pocket Heaven boards
Theres quite a few entries that have already been updated since they were originally entered, I should have kept a list of them but I didnt :) More likely you have played any updated release if you keep an eye on the GP32 scene so we just listed the entries that were updated for the competition.

The extended competition was created with the idea that it would persuade (cant think of a better word) developers continue their hard work on their entries. This means you have updated games that may not have been released such as the very nice looking Tunnel game which is alot more playable than the original version that was entered.

I am a bit disappointed at some peoples comments on it being a poor competition. It seems a fairly regular thing that as soon as a competition is announced people *expect* emulators to be entered, its usually them the first to complain when they are not entered. GP32 is not just an emulator machine, it plays games as well you know ;)
I meant no offence by this thread... I was not disapointed by the lack of emulators.

I have nothing but gratitude for the efforts of the coders and organisers/sponsers of these and other competitions...

At the time I posted this thread I had to wait for a 15 hour battery charge cycle, so I was just kinda hoping to find all the updated entries.

In case I came accross the wrong way a big THANK-YOU to Craig and all involved with the latest GBAX update compo from a GBA and GP32 owner. I do admit to being a fan of emulators but homebrew games and ports kick arse too.
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