Gba Micro - Best Card For It


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Mar 3, 2006
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I got a GBA Micro, (and a DS Lite - redundant? yeah - but Micro is a lot more portable than my DS in its protective Nerf (or nothin'!) armor - and after having the hinge snap after the smallest of falls - I won't remove the armor. I can't expect Nintendo to go above and beyond the warrenty twice!) and I've got a SuperCard SD for it. (I ordered the SuperCard MiniSD -- but GameYeeeah! Fukt up my order - and refused to fix it. They said - after 10 days of me badgering them - that the shipping department's investigation proved that they had, in fact, sent me the correct item - the SuperCard MiniSD - they don't know how I got the wrong item. ....?!¿¡ FFFFFFFFFFFF!)

Anyway - I'm not very happy with the fact that I can't get the darn thing to play GBA games. Can anybody recommend a good card for the GBA Micro? Small is good, (which is why I wanted the MiniSD version.) Working is better.

i have the mini sd supercard, ive had no problems with it at all, i cant really comment on any other flash carts as ive not used them, you just use the same supercard software that you use for the ds to convert the original gba rom, drag on to the mini sd card and your away, hope that helped

edit: can you not play gba roms on sd supercard??? a bit bigger i know but i thought just same principle as the mini sd version
I hear that the EZ Flash IV Deluxe has the best GBA compatibility, but I'm not sure if it works on the micro. Even if it does work, I would make sure that the company you order it from ships it with the right case.

Edit: this discussion should help you
I use an M3 Perfect (Compact Flash version, I got it when they were first coming out) and I've been pretty happy with it. Compatibility is pretty good, but there are a few games for which save states and the other M3 hacks don't work. Most do, though, and the only game I can think of that didn't work outright was GTA Advance.
I seriously can't get *any* GBA games to run on this. Am I supposed to be patching them or something? The ROMs are good - they work on my DS Lite (R4DS/EZFlash 3-in-1 combo). They just don't work on my SuperCard SD. Also - a number of GBC / GB games don't work either. I tried matching my SuperCard with the "how to spot a fake" page on the SuperCard site - but mine looks legit.

All I know is - GameYeeeah sucks, and I'll never buy anything there again.
I know the SuperCard SD can run patched GBA games, but I believe they removed the memory used to run them in later cards.
you need to go to the official supercard site, download the supercard software to convert your gba roms, and while your there grab the update for your supercard if you need to, install the supercard software, patch your roms, drag to sd card, all done.

edit: if your using gba roms that work on an r4 the they definitely wont work on a supercard, you definitely need to patch them.
Look I know we blokes aren't supposed to read manuals. it's in our genes but there are times when you do need to :P

The more recent Firmware updates have fixed some compatability issues too :)
M3 mini-SD and M3-Lite are the best cards I've ever used (you can change the shell of the m3-lite to a bigger one).
It can run unpatched games, loads quickly, can use cheats (with an activation menu). I never had any problem with it.
Orkie said:
I know the SuperCard SD can run patched GBA games, but I believe they removed the memory used to run them in later cards.
That's untrue; you can run GBA games on all slot-2 (GBA cart) Supercards except the ones with rumble. The SCs that support rumble have the memory removed (presumably in favour of the rumble mechanism).
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I am using an EZ4 on my micro and works a treat, save for some save game probs in some games. Compatability is very high.

I have a Supercard SD - I got the EZ4 because the Supercard, as a result of its slower memory, actually played many GBA games at less than full speed.
Gatchan said:
M3 mini-SD and M3-Lite are the best cards I've ever used (you can change the shell of the m3-lite to a bigger one).
It can run unpatched games, loads quickly, can use cheats (with an activation menu). I never had any problem with it.

Ditto... I use an M3 Lite in the larger shell and I've had ZERO problems with it...

I also have an EZ Flash (4? 3? I dunno)... It's okay, but it requires patching, and mine only loads one ROM at a time unless I package them in a single file for copying to the card...
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