Master System: Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Mega Drive: Sonic 2
N64: Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, Lylat Wars
Dreamcast: Rayman 2 (the best version), Soul Reaver (again best version), Hydro Thunder (...guess), Sonic Adventure 1+2
Gamecube: Mario Sunshine, Resident Evil, Metroid
Xbox: Fable, Halo 1, Morrowind
PS2: Shadow of The Colossus
Wii: Zelda: Twilight Princess, Promise of new Metroid.
Xbox 360: Lost Planet, Halo 3, Oblivion, Dead Rising
PS3: Infamous, LittleBig Planet
WiiU: Wind Waker HD, New Mario, New Smash Bros, New Metroid, ZombieU, Deus Ex: HR Director's Cut
PS4: Knack, The Witness, Infamous: Second Son, Driveclub, The Witcher 3, Watch_Dogs
GB/GBC: Pokemon
GBA: Pokemon, Zelda, Metroid
DS: Pokemon, Mario 64 DS, Metroid
3DS: Zelda, Pokemon, Mario 3D Land, Kid Icarus
Can you tell I like Metroid?